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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Calling and leaving program units →  Calling Processing Blocks →  Calling procedures →  CALL METHOD 

CALL METHOD (meth_name)

Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


CALL METHOD dynamic_meth { parameter_list 
                         | parameter_tables }.


This statement calls the method dynamically specified in dynamic_meth(Dynamic Invoke). Actual parameters are assigned to formal parameters without parentheses, either statically using parameter_list or dynamically using parameter_tables. The syntax of parameter_list is the same as that for the static method call.


Dynamic call of the static method gui_download of global class cl_gui_frontend_services for storing the content of an internal table in a file on the current presentation server. The names of the class and method are specified in the strings class and meth. The interface parameters are passed in the internal table ptab and return values are assigned to the exceptions of the method are assigned using table etab. Exceptions that occur at the method call itself are handled in a TRY control structure with statement CATCH.

DATA: line     TYPE c LENGTH 80, 
      text_tab LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF line, 
      filename TYPE string, 
      filetype TYPE c LENGTH 10, 
      fleng    TYPE i. 

DATA: meth  TYPE string, 
      class TYPE string, 
      ptab TYPE abap_parmbind_tab, 
      ptab_line TYPE abap_parmbind, 
      etab TYPE abap_excpbind_tab, 
      etab_line TYPE abap_excpbind. 

DATA: exc_ref TYPE REF TO cx_sy_dyn_call_error, 
      exc_text TYPE string. 

meth     = 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'. 
filename = 'c:\temp\text.txt'. 
filetype = 'ASC'. 

ptab_line-name = 'FILENAME'. 
ptab_line-kind = cl_abap_objectdescr=>exporting. 
GET REFERENCE OF filename INTO ptab_line-value. 
INSERT ptab_line INTO TABLE ptab. 

ptab_line-name = 'FILETYPE'. 
ptab_line-kind = cl_abap_objectdescr=>exporting. 
GET REFERENCE OF filetype INTO ptab_line-value. 
INSERT ptab_line INTO TABLE ptab. 

ptab_line-name = 'DATA_TAB'. 
ptab_line-kind = cl_abap_objectdescr=>changing. 
GET REFERENCE OF text_tab INTO ptab_line-value. 
INSERT ptab_line INTO TABLE ptab. 

ptab_line-name = 'FILELENGTH'. 
ptab_line-kind = cl_abap_objectdescr=>importing. 
GET REFERENCE OF fleng INTO ptab_line-value. 
INSERT ptab_line INTO TABLE ptab. 

etab_line-name = 'OTHERS'. 
etab_line-value = 4. 
INSERT etab_line INTO TABLE etab. 

    CALL METHOD (class)=>(meth) 
    CASE sy-subrc. 
      WHEN 1. 
  CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_error INTO exc_ref. 
    exc_text = exc_ref->get_text( ). 
    MESSAGE exc_text TYPE 'I'. 


CALL METHOD - dynamic_meth