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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Declarative statemnts →  Classes and Interfaces →  CLASS 


Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


            LOCAL FRIENDS class1 class2 ...
                          intf1  intf2  ... .


This statement makes the local classes and interfaces class1 class2 ... and intf1 intf2 ... of a class pool friends of its global class class. At least one class or one interface must be specified.

This statement does not introduce a declaration part. It must not be ended with an ENDCLASS statement.


  • Declaring local classes of a class pool as friends of the global class is necessary, in particular, for local test classes that test the private components of the global class.
  • This variant of the statement CLASS can also only be listed in the context described under CLASS.
  • If you want the local classes and interfaces class1 class2 ... and intf1 intf2 ... to be able to access all components of the global class class in their declaration part, you must first specify the statement in the class pool, while also declaring the local classes and interfaces using CLASS - and INTERFACE - DEFERRED.