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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Internal Tables →  Processing Statements for Internal Tables 


Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


DELETE { itab_line |
itab_lines | duplicates }. 


This statement either deletes one or more rows itab_line or itab_lines specified with a table key or a table index, or it deletes neighboring duplicate rows duplicates.

System Fields

sy-subrc Meaning
0 At least one row was deleted.
4 No rows were deleted, since no appropriate row was found when deleting using a table key or in thelogical condition, the index specified when deleting using a table index was larger than the current number of rows, or no duplicate neighboring rows were found.

The system field sy-tabix is not set.


  • When deleting rows in an internal table, costs are incurred for updating all existing table keys and table indexes. The primary key and all unique secondary keys are updated directly, whereas non-unique secondary keys are only updated if the rows to be deleted are contained within an updated part of a relevant index (lazy update). When deleting a row from a standard table using a secondary key, the primary table index in particular must be updated, and this requires a linear search.
  • There is no implicit selection of a suitable key or index. The used table key or table index is always specified uniquely. The syntax check issues a warning if there is a suitable secondary table key but this table key is not used. This warning should be removed through using the key. However, in exceptional cases, it can be bypassed using a pragma.


Catchable Exceptions


  • Cause: Error in a dynamic WHERE condition
    Runtime Error: DYN_WHERE_PARSE_ERROR


DELETE itab - itab_line

DELETE itab - itab_lines

DELETE itab - duplicates

Internal Tables - Deleting Rows Using the Index

Internal Tables, Deleting Rows Using Keys