ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing External Data → ABAP - Database Accesses → Open SQL → Open SQL - Read Accesses → SELECT
SELECT - group_cond
Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
... HAVING sql_cond ... .
The addition HAVING
limits the nunber of lines to be grouped into groups
in the resulting set by a logical expression sql_cond
for these lines. The
syntax of the logical expression sql_cond
corresponds to the syntax of the
logical expression sql_cond
of the WHERE
condition. The comparisons of the logical expression evaluate the contents of line groups.
If a grouping is done using the addition GROUP
BY, all the columns that are specified in the condition sql_cond
directly through their name col
will be listed after GROUP
BY. The direct specification of different columns leads to an exception CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB that can be handled. For any columns in the data base tables or
Views listed after FROM
, arbitrary
aggregate expressions
can be specified in the listed database tables in the comparisons of sql_cond
This kind of aggregate expression is evaluated for each line group defined in GROUP BY
and its result is used as an operand in the comparison. If such a column is also listed simultaneously as an argument of an
aggregate function
after SELECT
, the aggregate
expressions after SELECT
and after HAVING
can be different.
If the addition GROUP BY
is not specified or the data object column_syntax
in the dynamic column specification after GROUP BY
is initial, the addition
can only be specified if the entire resulting set is grouped into
a line - that is, if after SELECT
you have solely aggregate expressions.
In this case, solely aggregate expressions can be specified as operands in sql_cond
. These operands are evaluated for all lines in the resulting set.
Reading the number of booked smoking and non-smoking seats for each flight date of a particular flight connection.
PARAMETERS: p_carrid TYPE sbook-carrid,
p_connid TYPE sbook-connid.
TYPES: BEGIN OF sbook_type,
fldate TYPE sbook-fldate,
smoker TYPE sbook-smoker,
smk_cnt TYPE i,
END OF sbook_type.
DATA sbook_tab TYPE TABLE OF sbook_type.
SELECT fldate smoker COUNT( * ) AS smk_cnt
FROM sbook
WHERE connid = p_connid
GROUP BY carrid fldate smoker
HAVING carrid = p_carrid
ORDER BY fldate smoker.