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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  User Dialogs →  Messages →  MESSAGE 


Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... { tn } 
  | { tn(id) }
  | { ID mid TYPE mtype NUMBER num }
  | { oref TYPE mtype } ... .


1. ... tn ...

2. ... tn(id) ...

3. ... ID mid TYPE mtype NUMBER num ...

4. ... oref TYPE mtype ...


msg specifies a message from the database table T100 either by specifying id and n directly or by using the content of the data objects mid and num for the message class and the message number. Alternatively, an object reference variable oref is specified whose dynamic type implements the interface IF_T100_MESSAGE. One of the possible message types "A", "E", "I", "S", "W", or "X" must be specified, either by specifying t directly or as content of the data object mtype. This controls the behavior of the message.

If the specified message is not found for the logon language of the current user, a search is made in the secondary language (profile parameter zcsa/second_language) and then in English. If it is still not found, the specified message type, message class, and message number are used as short text in uppercase letters and separated by a colon ":".

The system fields of the statement MESSAGE are always supplied with the specified values.


The maximum length of a message is 269 and is determined from the short text of the message in the database table T100 (with a maximum of 73 characters) including up to four single-character placeholders &. These placeholders can be replaced by strings with a maximum of 50 characters using the addition WITH).

Alternative 1

... tn ...


t and n are used to specify the single-character message type and the three-digit message number directly in a row (static short form). The message class must be specified with the addition MESSAGE-ID in the statement that introduces the program.


Displays the short text of the message with the number 014 from the message class SABAPDOCU as an information message.

REPORT rep MESSAGE-ID sabapdemos. 
MESSAGE i014. 

Alternative 2

... tn(id) ...


The same applies to t and n as to the static short form. In the static long form, the message class is specified directly in parentheses using id.


  • Specifying the message class explicitly overrides the addition MESSAGE-ID of the statement that introduces the program.
  • Specifying the message class in parentheses does not signify here that the content of id is used. In fact, the message class is used that has the name that was specified directly with id.


As in the example for alternative 1, with the message class specified explicity.

MESSAGE i014(sabapdemos). 

Alternative 3

... ID mid TYPE mtype NUMBER num ...


The message class, the message type, and the message number are specified as content of the data objects mid, mtype, and num (dynamic form). mid and mtype expect character-like data objects that must contain the message class or the message type in uppercase letters. Invalid message types raise a non-handleable exception. num expects a data object of the type n and length 3.


Specifying the message class explicitly overrides the addition MESSAGE-ID of the statement that introduces the program.


As in the example for alternative 2, with the message and the message type specified dynamically.

DATA: mid   TYPE sy-msgid VALUE 'SABAPDEMOS', 
      mtype TYPE sy-msgty VALUE 'I', 
      num   TYPE sy-msgno VALUE '014'. 

MESSAGE ID mid TYPE mtype NUMBER num. 

Alternative 4

... oref TYPE mtype ...


For oref, you can specify an object reference variable which, when the statement MESSAGE is executed, points to an object whose class implements the system interface IF_T100_MESSAGE, which in turn contains the component interface IF_MESSAGE. mtype expects a character-like data object containing the message type in uppercase letters.

The statement MESSAGE analyzes the components of the structured attribute T100KEY of the interface IF_T100_MESSAGE in the referenced object. The message class is taken from the component MSGID and the message number from the component MSGNO. If the components ATTR1 through ATTR4 contain the names of other attributes of the object, the placeholders "&1" through "&4" and "&" of the short text or "&V1&" through "&V4&" of the long text of the message are replaced by the content of these attributes according to the rules of usage given by the additions WITH in message_options. If one of these components does not contain an attribute name, the character "&" is added to the content at the beginning and end, thus replacing the placeholder.


  • In this variant, the additions WITH and INTO in message_options are not allowed.
  • If field symbols or formal parameters of the generic type any or data are specified for oref, then the syntactically identical variant MESSAGE text is used.
  • This variant is mainly intended to be used with exception objects. If a global exception class implements the interface IF_T100_MESSAGE, then the components of the structure T100KEY are filled in accordance with the definition of the associated exception text when such an exception is raised in the interface method GET_TEXT (which is implemented in the superclass CX_ROOT). In local exception classes, you must fill the components yourself. To do this, do not redefine the interface method GET_TEXT, but use the instance contructor instead.
  • For compatibility reasons, this variant can still be used for classes that only implement the interface IF_MESSAGE. In this case, the interface methods GET_TEXT and GET_LONGTEXT are called automatically in the referenced object and their return value is used as the short text or long text of the message. In this case, the system fields sy-msgid and sy-msgno are not filled specifically. The root class of all exception classes, CX_ROOT, implements the interface IF_MESSAGE. In exception classes that do not implement the interface IF_T100_MESSAGE, the interface methods GET_TEXT and GET_LONGTEXT get the exception texts of exception objects stored in OTR (Online Text Repository), which then can be issued by using the variant of the MESSAGE statement as a message.


In a local exception class lcx_exception, the interface IF_T100_MESSAGE is implemented and its attribute T100KEY supplied with values. When the exception is handled, the statement MESSAGE displays the corresponding message, where a placeholder "&" is replaced by the content of the attribute text.

CLASS lcx_exception DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cx_dynamic_check. 
    INTERFACES if_t100_message. 
    METHODS constructor IMPORTING text TYPE csequence. 
    DATA text TYPE c LENGTH 40. 

  METHOD constructor. 
    super->constructor( ). 
    me->text = text. 
    if_t100_message~t100key-msgid = 'SABAPDEMOS'. 
    if_t100_message~t100key-msgno = '888'. 
    if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 = 'TEXT'. 

DATA exc_ref TYPE REF TO lcx_exception. 

      RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE lcx_exception EXPORTING text = 'Error!'. 
    CATCH lcx_exception INTO exc_ref. 
      MESSAGE exc_ref TYPE 'I' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'.