ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Assignments → Value Assignments
destination1 = destination2 = ...
Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
destination1 = destination2 = ... = destination = source.
By using the equals sign, you can simultaneously execute several assignments in one statement. The statement is identical to:
destination = source
... = destination
destination2 = ...
destination1 = destination2.
Possible conversions are executed at every single assignment, so that a value assigned to a data object
on the left side may be converted several times, if the operands have different data types. To be able
to assign the value of source
to different data objects with one conversion each, you need several statements.
After the assignments, all data objects involved contain the name "Hugo".
DATA: name TYPE string,
name1 TYPE string,
name2 TYPE string,
name3 TYPE string.
MOVE `Hugo` TO name.
name3 = name2 = name1 = name.