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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Program Flow →  Exception Handling →  Exceptions Before Class-Based Exceptions →  Non-Class-Based Exceptions 


Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


RAISE exception. 


This statement raises the non class-based exception exception.

  • RAISE can be specified in a method only if the non-class-based exception is defined in the interface of the method.
  • Specify RAISE in function modules only if the non-class-based exception is defined in the interface of the function module.
  • It is possible to specify RAISE in all other positions, but we advise against it.

After the exception exception is raised, the system proceeds as follows:

  • If the exception is raised in a method or function module whose caller assigns a return value to the exception, then the procedure ends immediately, the system returns to the calling position, and the system field sy-subrc is set according to the assignment.
  • If the exception is raised in a method or function module whose caller does not assign a return value to the exception, a runtime error is then triggered whose short dump contains the name of the exception.
  • If the exception is raised in a subroutine, the system searches for the first function module in the procedures of the preceding call stack. If it finds a function module of this type and the exception is defined in it, the system acts as though the exception was raised in this function module. Otherwise, a runtime error occurs.
  • In all other processing blocks, raising a non class-based exception produces a runtime error that immediately ends the program.

This form of the statement RAISE cannot be used in the same processing block as the statement RAISE EXCEPTION to raise class-based exceptions.


  • The statement MESSAGE with the addition RAISING also raises a non class-based exception. In cases in which non-class-based exceptions are still used, this statement is preferred instead of RAISE, because it offers the option of adding a text to the exception.
  • If a procedure is exited by raising an exception, the content of the formal parameter for which the pass by value is defined is not assigned to the respective actual parameters.


Non-Catchable Exceptions

  • Cause: The raised exception was not handled by the caller.
    Runtime Error: RAISE_EXCEPTION