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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Internal Tables →  Processing Statements for Internal Tables →  READ TABLE itab 

READ TABLE - free_key

Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


 ... WITH KEY { comp1 = dobj1 comp2 = dobj2 ... [BINARY SEARCH] } 
           | { keyname COMPONENTS comp1 = dobj1 comp2 = dobj2 ... } ... .


1. ... WITH KEY comp1 = dobj1 comp2 = dobj2 ... [BINARY SEARCH] ... .

2. ... WITH KEY keyname COMPONENTS comp1 = dobj1 comp2 = dobj2 ... .


Specifies a free search key. The free search key can be defined freely or linked to the specification of a secondary table key in keyname.


Outside of classes, the two obsolete variants of the addition WITH KEY are possible.

Variant 1

... WITH KEY comp1 = dobj1 comp2 = dobj2 ... [BINARY SEARCH] ... .




Components comp1 comp2 ... can be declared as search keys behind the WITH KEY addition, following the rules here. A data object dobj1 dobj2 ... is assigned to each of these search keys and must be compatible with the data type of the component (or convertible to this data type). If necessary, the content of dobj1 dobj2 ... is converted to the data type of the component before the comparison. No duplicate or overlapping key declarations can be made.

The first row of the internal table is searched for whose values in the specified components (or their subareas or attributes) match the values in the assigned data objects dobj1 dobj2 ...

The search runs as follows for the individual table types, without BINARY SEARCH being specified:

  • Standard tables are searched in a linear fashion.
  • Sorted tables are sorted in a binary fashion if the specified search key is an initial part of the primary table key or includes this key; otherwise the search is linear.
  • The hash algorithm is used for hashed tables if the specified search key is an initial part of the primary table key or includes this key; otherwise the search is linear.

If the name field of a component comp is initial, the first row that matches the search key is read. If all name fields are initial, the first row of the internal table is read.

The system field sy-tabix is set in accordance with the table type:

  • For index tables it is set to the number of rows found in the primary table index
  • For hashed tables it is set to the value 0.


  • If the search key includes components that supply a secondary table key of the internal table without the key being declared in keyname, then a warning is raised by the syntax check.
  • If there are multiple hits (due to an incomplete search key or duplicate entries in the table), binary searches (using the BINARY SEARCH addition in standard tables; automatic in sorted tables) also return the first hit in accordance with the order of the rows in the primary index. This is the row with the lowest row number.
  • If WITH KEY is used, note that the values of incompatible data objects dobj1 dobj2 ... are converted to the data type of the columns before the comparison. This means that the comparison rules do not apply to incompatible data types. If a WHERE condition is used in the statements LOOP, MODIFY, and DELETE, however, the comparison rules do apply, which can produce differing results.


The internal table html_viewer_tab contains references to HTML controls. The READ statement reads the reference that points to a HTML control in a specific container control.

DATA: container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, 
      html_viewer TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer. 

DATA html_viewer_tab LIKE TABLE OF html_viewer. 


CREATE OBJECT html_viewer EXPORTING parent = container. 
APPEND html_viewer TO html_viewer_tab. 


READ TABLE html_viewer_tab 
           WITH KEY table_line->parent = container 
           INTO html_viewer. 





The BINARY SEARCH addition enables a binary search instead of a linear search for standard tables that do not have a sorted secondary table key defined. This can significantly improve performance in larger tables (100 entries and above). The table must, however, be sorted in asscending order by the components specified in the search key. The priority of the sort order must match exactly the order of the components in the search key. If this requirement is not met, the correct row is not usually found.

The BINARY SEARCH addition can be declared for sorted tables only if the specified search key is an initial part of the table key or includes it. It has no special effect in this situation. The BINARY SEARCH addition cannot be specified for hashed tables.


  • The READ statement always uses the BINARY SEARCH addition to perform an index access; this index access can therefore only be used for tables with the appropriate type. Formal parameters or a field symbol must have at least the generic type INDEX TABLE.
  • The addition BINARY SEARCH is based on standard sorting according to the size of the components. Text sorting with the addition AS TEXT of the statement SORT can produce unexpected results, since the result for text-like components no longer depends on the binary representation, but on the locale of the current text environment.
  • When the BINARY SEARCH addition is used, if there are multiple hits (due to an incomplete search key or duplicate entries in the table), the first hit according to the order of the rows in the primary index is returned. This is the row with the lowest row number.

Variant 2

... WITH KEY keyname COMPONENTS comp1 = dobj1 comp2 = dobj2 ... .


keyname can be used to declare a table key. The same applies to the declaration of the components as in the variant without key declaration.

If a secondary table key is declared in keyname, the behavior is as follows:

  • If a sorted key is declared, the specified search key must be an initial part of the secondary table key or include it. The associated secondary table index is then searched in a binary fashion. If multiple entries are found when using a non-unique search key, the first hit, that is the row with the lowest row number, is read in the secondary index. Additional search criteria can also be specified which are also evaluated.
  • If a hash key is declared, the specified search key must include the secondary table key and the hash algorithm is used. Additional search criteria can also be specified which are also evaluated.

The system field sy-tabix is set with respect to the specified secondary table key:

  • For sorted secondary keys, it is set to the number of the found row in the corresponding secondary table index
  • For hash keys it is set to the value 0.

If the primary table key is declared in keyname under the name primary_key, the behavior is the same as in the variant without key declaration.


  • When you specify free keys, secondary table keys differ from the table_key variant (for declaring the table key) by letting you specify additional conditions in the search key. These conditions can reduce the length of the hitlist. For secondary sorted keys, however, free search keys enable you to specify an incomplete search key, which can make the hitlist longer.
  • If a secondary table key is used, when the value of sy-tabix is used subsequently as an index specification in other processing statements for the internal table, it must be ensured that the same table key is used.


The DEMO_SECONDARY_KEYS program demonstrates the specification of a secondary table key compared to the completely free specification of a key and the resulting performance benefits.