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Predefined Functions - Syntax

Predefined functions are available with either:

  • One unnamed argument
  • One or more named arguments

In the latter case, there is usually one main argument val with the possibility of additional and also optional arguments. The following sections show the general syntax for calling predefined functions.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Functions with an Unnamed Argument


... func( arg ) ...

For functions with an unnamed argument, the syntax is the same as when calling functional methods with one input parameter. func is the predefined function and the argument arg is a data object whose data type matches the function.

The blank spaces after the opening bracket and before the closing bracket are relevant.

Functions with Named Arguments


... func( val = arg p1 = arg1 p2 = arg2 ... ) ...

Functions with one or more named arguments are appended to key word parameters in the same way as calling function methods with multiple input parameters. The arguments can be data objects whose data type matches the relevant parameter. The blank spaces after the opening bracket and before the closing bracket are relevant. If such a function only has one argument or only the main argument is to be supplied, the syntax can also be simplified as follows:

... func( arg ) ...

This translation does not reflect the current version of the documentation.