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Calling Function Modules

The example demonstrates how a function module can be called.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

REPORT demo_mod_tech_fb_read_spfli.

PARAMETERS carrier TYPE s_carr_id DEFAULT 'LH'.

DATA: jtab TYPE spfli_tab,
      wa   LIKE LINE OF jtab.

          id        = carrier
          itab      = jtab
          not_found = 1
          OTHERS    = 2.

CASE sy-subrc.
  WHEN 1.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno.
  WHEN 2.
    MESSAGE e888(sabapdemos) with 'Error in  function module'.

LOOP AT jtab INTO wa.
  WRITE: /  wa-carrid, wa-connid, wa-cityfrom, wa-cityto.


The function module READ_SPFLI_INTO_TABLE reads all data from the database table SPFLI where the key field CARRID matches the import parameter id and passes this data into the internal table spfli_tab. If no such data can be found, the exception NOT_FOUND is raised using MESSAGE ... RAISING. Otherwise, the table is passed to the caller as an export parameter.

The actual parameters carrier and jtab in the above program have the same data types as the corresponding interface parameters of the function module. The exception NOT_FOUND is handled, but the message sent is the same as sent by the function module if the exception were not handled.