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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Creating Objects →  CREATE DATA →  CREATE DATA - REF TO 

Creating Reference Variables

This example demonstrates how to create a reference variable.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA intf_name TYPE string.
    DATA cls_name  TYPE string.
    DATA dref TYPE REF TO data.

    FIELD-SYMBOLS <ref>  TYPE any.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <attr> TYPE any.

    CREATE DATA dref TYPE REF TO (intf_name).
    ASSIGN dref->* TO <ref>.

    CREATE OBJECT <ref> TYPE (cls_name).

    ASSIGN ('<REF>->ATTR') TO <attr>.
    WRITE <attr>.


Dynamic generation of an interface reference variable. The absolute type name is used for the name of the local interface.

The reference variable is assigned to a field symbol <ref> by means of dereferencing. According to the general typing rules, the field symbol must either be typed completely generically or typed with reference to the interface intf.

The dynamically generated reference variable is used to create and address an object of a class. As this field symbol is completely generic, only the display variant of the dynamic ASSIGN (and not a special Dynamic Access) can be used to access the interface attribute.