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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Internal Tables →  Processing Statements for Internal Tables →  INSERT itab 

Internal Tables - Inserting Rows

This example demonstrates how rows are inserted into internal tables.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA: BEGIN OF line,
            col1 TYPE i,
            col2 TYPE i,
          END OF line.

    DATA: itab LIKE TABLE OF line,
          jtab LIKE itab,

          itab1 LIKE TABLE OF line,
          jtab1 LIKE itab,
          itab2 LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF line,
          jtab2 LIKE SORTED TABLE OF line
                WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY col1 col2.

<span class="blue">* Fill table</span>

    DO 3 TIMES.
      line-col1 = sy-index. line-col2 = sy-index ** 2.
      APPEND line TO itab.
      line-col1 = sy-index. line-col2 = sy-index ** 3.
      APPEND line TO jtab.

<span class="blue">* Insert a single line into an index table</span>

    MOVE itab TO itab1.

    line-col1 = 11. line-col2 = 22.
    INSERT line INTO itab1 INDEX 2.


    cl_abap_demo_services=>list_table( itab1 ).

<span class="blue">* Insert lines into an index table with LOOP</span>

    MOVE itab TO itab1.

    LOOP AT itab1 INTO line.
      line-col1 = 3 * sy-tabix. line-col2 = 5 * sy-tabix.
      INSERT line INTO itab1.

    cl_abap_demo_services=>list_table( itab1 ).

<span class="blue">* Insert lines into an index table</span>

    MOVE itab TO itab1.
    MOVE jtab TO jtab1.

    INSERT LINES OF itab1 INTO jtab1 INDEX 1.

    cl_abap_demo_services=>list_table( jtab1 ).

<span class="blue">* Insert lines into a sorted table</span>

    MOVE itab TO itab2.
    MOVE jtab TO jtab2.


    cl_abap_demo_services=>list_table( jtab2 ).


This example is made up of four parts, in which lines are inserted in different ways. First, two internal tables itab and jtab are filled with squared and cubed numbers. These are also used to reset the above tables to their initial values, using the MOVE statement, between the individual parts of the example.

In the first part, a new row is inserted before the second row and a row with initial values is inserted before the first row.

Next, using a LOOP, a new row is inserted before each existing row.

In the third part, the whole of the table itab1 is inserted before the first row of jtab1.

In the final part the whole of the table itab2 is inserted into the sorted table jtab2.