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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  User Dialogs →  Classic Lists →  Event Blocks for Lists →  TOP-OF-PAGE 

Lists, Page Header

The example shows how to define the page header at the TOP-OF-PAGE event.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

                             LINE-SIZE 80 LINE-COUNT 7.

DATA: h1(10) TYPE c VALUE '    Number',
      h2(10) TYPE c VALUE '    Square',
      h3(10) TYPE c VALUE '      Cube',
      n1 TYPE i, n2 TYPE i, n3 TYPE i,
      x TYPE i.


  x = sy-colno + 8.  POSITION x. WRITE h1.
  x = sy-colno + 8.  POSITION x. WRITE h2.
  x = sy-colno + 8.  POSITION x. WRITE h3.
  x = sy-colno + 16. POSITION x. WRITE sy-pagno.


  DO 10 TIMES.
    n1 = sy-index. n2 = sy-index ** 2. n3 = sy-index ** 3.
    WRITE: n1 UNDER h1,
           n2 UNDER h2,
           n3 UNDER h3.


This program generates a two-page list. In the user-defined page header, column titles are placed in relative position to each other using the system field sy-colno and the POSITION statement. The actual list output is positioned under the fields of the header line using the addition UNDER of the WRITE statement. The line feeds are achieved using NEW-LINE.

The alignment of the fields is determined by the rule that character strings are left-aligned by default and numeric fields are right-aligned by default. You can adjust the alignment using the editing options LEFT-JUSTIFIED, RIGHT-JUSTIFIED, and CENTERED of the WRITE statement (see WRITE - format_options).