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MOVE EXACT - Valid Values

When an elementary source field is assigned to an incompatible elementary target field, the source field must contain a value that is valid based on its data type and the information outlined in the tables below.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Numeric Source Fields

Source Field Valid Values
i, (b, s) All content is valid.
decfloat16, decfloat34 All values resulting from assignments and calculations in ABAP are valid. The special values thatindicate infinity or invalid numbers are invalid. Invalid values raise an exception from the class CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_NUMBER.
p All values resulting from assignments and calculations in ABAP are valid. (This means that the lasthalf byte can contain only the hexadecimal values "A", "C", "E", or "F", for a positive sign, or "B"or"D" for a negative sign. The remaining half bytes can contain only the hexadecimal values "0" to "9".) Invalid values raise an exception from the class CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_NUMBER.
f Integers with a maximum of 15 digits.


Decimal numbers with decimal places cannot generally be represented precisely by binary floating point numbers of type f. The EXACT addition therefore restricts the valid value range to integers with a maximum of 15 digits.

Character-Like Source Fields

Source Field Valid Values
c, string All content is valid. No check is made to determine whether a byte or string of bytes contains valid characters for the current code page.
n The source field can contain the digits "0" to "9" only. Invalid values raise an exception from the class CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_NUMBER.
d The source field must contain a valid date in the format "yyyymmdd", for which the following valuesare permitted: "yyyy" (year): 0001 to 9999, "mm" (month): 01 to 12, "dd" (day): 01 to 31. In addition,the initial value "00000000" is considered a valid date, whereas "00010101" is not considered a validdate. The smallest valid value that corresponds to a day is "00010102". The values "15821005" to "15821014"are also invalid. This is because of the switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, where 04.10.1582is followed directly by 15.10.1582. Invalid values raise an exception from the class CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_DATE.
t The source field must contain a valid time in the format "hhmmss", for which the following valuesare permitted: "hh" (hours): 00 to 23, "mm" (minutes): 01 to 59, "ss" (seconds): 01 to 59. Invalid values raise an exception from the class CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_TIME.


The values that the EXACT addition permits for date fields of type d are different from those defined by the value range. The initial value "00000000", which does not lie within the value range and is normally considered an invalid date, is considered a valid date here, whereas the value "00010101", which does lie within the value range, is considered invalid.

Byte-Like Source Fields

Source Field Valid Values
x, xstring All content is valid.