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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Release-Specific Changes →  Changes for Release 7.0 

ABAP keyword documentation for release 7.0

For release 7.0, the ABAP keyword documentation has been extended as follows:

1. Full text search

2. Subject search

3. Diagrams

4. Language

5. List of ABAP words

6. Terminology changes for narrowing and widening casts

7. Adjustment of font size

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Modification 1

Considerable improvements have been made to the performance of the full text search in the ABAP keyword documentation. The locations found by the full text search are now marked in the display. As before, the full text search can be called from the display window of the documentation. It is also available on the initial screens for the documentation (ABAP Editor, transaction ABAPHELP) as an alternative to the index search.

Modification 2

The ABAP keyword documentation has been extended by the addition of an alphabetical subject directory. The index search now evaluates this directory in addition to the ABAP index and ABAP glossary.

Modification 3


Through access to the MIME repository, diagrams can now be displayed in the ABAP keyword documentation.

For example: General memory organization.

Modification 4


It is now possible to select the language in which the documentation is displayed on the initial screen of the transaction ABAPHELP. The user can choose between the logon language, English, and German. The logon language is the standard setting. When the ABAP keyword documentation is called from the ABAP Editor, the logon language is always used.

Modification 5

List of ABAP words

The document ABAP wordscontains a list of all names reserved in ABAP, except for those that consist of special characters. From this list, the user can navigate directly to the usage locations.

Modification 6

Terminology change for narrowing and widening casts

The use of the terms narrowing cast and widening cast, which refers to the view that a reference variable offers to an object, has been adjusted to the general language usage from the view of the value set that can include a variable. Now the unambiguous terms Up Cast and Down Cast are in general use.

Modification 7

Adjustment of font size

If the font size is changed when adjusting the local layout in the SAP GUI, this also takes effect for the display of the ABAP keyword documentation. Previously, only changes in color affected the ABAP keyword documentation. Within a user session, the GUI font size dependency can be deactivated by setting the standard font size.