ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing External Data → ABAP - Database Accesses → Object Services → Transaction Service
Transaction Service
This example demonstrates the execution of an object-oriented transaction.
Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
Source Code
tm = cl_os_system=>get_transaction_manager( ).
t = tm->create_transaction( ).
SET HANDLER h->handle FOR t.
wa_spfli-carrid = 'LH'.
wa_spfli-connid = '123'.
agent = ca_spfli_persistent=>agent.
t->start( ).
connection = agent->get_persistent( i_carrid = wa_spfli-carrid
i_connid = wa_spfli-connid
wa_spfli-deptime = connection->get_deptime( ).
wa_spfli-arrtime = connection->get_arrtime( ).
wa_spfli-deptime = wa_spfli-deptime + 3600.
wa_spfli-arrtime = wa_spfli-arrtime + 3600.
connection->set_deptime( wa_spfli-deptime ).
connection->set_arrtime( wa_spfli-arrtime ).
t->end( ).
CATCH cx_root INTO exc.
text = exc->get_text( ).
In this example, a transaction is executed in the object-oriented session. To do this, the parameter
I_EXTERNAL_COMMIT of the system service INIT_AND_SET_MODES method in the static constructor is set to
OSCON_FALSE. After the creation of a transaction manager and a transaction (which is also the top level
transaction), they are started with START and ended with END. During the transaction, the attributes DEPTIME and ARRTIME, of the CL_SPFLI_PERSISTENT class object created in the persistent service
example, are changed. Calling the END method implicitly
starts a COMMIT WORK
and writes the changes to the database in the asynchronous
update mode. The handle
method of the local class th
reacts to the end of the transaction and analyses its status.