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Pass By Reference for Output Parameters

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


When parameters are passed to a procedure by reference, this procedure directly uses the data object that has been passed as a parameter. Its value is consequently determined by the calling program of the procedure. You must be particularly aware of this behavior for EXPORTING parameters, whose value is # in contrast to the pass by value method # not initialized when the procedure is called. After the procedure has started, an output parameter that was passed by reference has the value of the supplied actual parameter.


Use Output Parameters with the Pass by Reference Method Correctly

Do not evaluate EXPORTING parameters that are passed by reference in a procedure (method) until a value has been explicitly assigned.


Because the value of an output parameter that has been passed by reference is undefined from the procedure#s perspective, it cannot be evaluated within the procedure in a useful manner. Therefore, no assumptions can be made regarding the content of the parameter until the first value has been assigned to it.

If such a parameter is an internal table or a string, a simple write access is not sufficient. First, an initialization must be implemented. For example, if you want to insert new lines in an internal table that is supposed to be output by reference, its current content needs to be deleted first. Due to passing by reference, you cannot be sure that the table is actually empty when the procedure is started. The same applies to strings that are filled using concatenation operations within the procedure.


If the described properties are to be exploited for writable parameters that have been passed by reference in a procedure (method), that is, a read access is to be implemented prior to the write access or an existing dynamic data object is to be extended, you must select the appropriate formal parameter type, that is, input/output parameter (CHANGING parameter).


Strictly speaking, you must only initialize optional output parameters that have been passed by reference if the parameter is connected to an actual parameter when called. This can be determined using the IS SUPPLIED query. The obsolete query, IS REQUESTED, in contrast, should no longer be used.


The following source code shows how an internal table that, for performance reasons, is implemented by reference is returned. For this reason, it cannot be declared as a RETURNING parameter. The tabular output parameter is explicitly initialized at the beginning of the method before new lines are inserted.

    CLASS-METHODS get_some_table
      EXPORTING e_some_table TYPE table_type.
  METHOD get_some_table.
    DATA new_line LIKE LINE OF e_some_table.
    CLEAR e_some_table.
    INSERT new_line INTO TABLE e_some_table.