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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP Overview →  ABAP and Unicode →  Differences between Unicode and Non-Unicode Programs 

Names in Unicode Programs

Only the following characters are allowed in names in Unicode programs:

  • The letters "A" through "Z"
  • The digits "0" through "9"
  • Underscores ("_")
  • For compatibility reasons, you can also use the characters "%", "$", "?", "-", "#", and "*" but these should be used only in exception cases (for example, for existing program generations) and with good justification. You can also use forward slashes ("/") for namespace prefixes.

    Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


    Apart from ABAP Objects, non-Unicode programs can also use characters other than the ones listed above. This can cause the following problems in these programs:

    • If characters are used that are not available in all code page supported by SAP, it might not be possible to run certain programs when using a different code page to the one in which they were created.