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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Processing External Data →  ABAP - Database Accesses →  Open SQL →  Open SQL - Read Accesses →  SELECT →  SELECT - cond →  WHERE - sql_cond →  sql_cond - subquery 

sql_cond - IN subquery

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... col [NOT] IN subquery ...


This expression can be formed with a scalar subquery. It is true if the value for the col column is (not) contained in the scalar subquery.


Reading the geographical latitude and longitude of a town from the SGEOCITY database table, this town being the town of origin of a flight in the SPFLI database table.

PARAMETERS: carr_id TYPE spfli-carrid, 
            conn_id TYPE spfli-connid. 

DATA: city  TYPE sgeocity-city, 
      lati  TYPE p LENGTH 8 DECIMALS 2, 
      longi TYPE p LENGTH 8 DECIMALS 2. 

SELECT SINGLE city latitude longitude 
         INTO (city, lati, longi) 
         FROM sgeocity 
         WHERE city IN ( SELECT cityfrom 
                               FROM spfli 
                               WHERE carrid = carr_id AND 
                                     connid = conn_id ).