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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Obsolete Language Elements →  Obsolete Processing of Internal Data →  Obsolete Internal Table Processing 

AT field_symbol

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Obsolete Syntax

AT {NEW}|{END OF} <fsi>.


If the additions INTO wa or ASSIGNING <fs> are used in the statement LOOP, a field symbol <fsi> can be specified after AT {NEW}|{END OF}, outside classes. The associated component of the work area wa or the field symbol <fs> is assigned to this field symbol.


This form of specifying components dynamically is obsolete and has been replaced by (name).

Bad example

name = 'WA-COL1'.
ASSIGN (name) TO <comp>.

LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
  AT NEW <comp>.

Good example

name = 'COL1'.

LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
  AT NEW (name).