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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  program editing →  Testing and Checking Programs →  Checkpoints 


Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


BREAK-POINT { [ID group] 
            | [log_text] }.


1. ... ID group
2. ... log_text


This statement defines a breakpoint. The addition ID controls the activation. Without the addition ID, the breakpoint is always active.

Breakpoints in dialog processing

If the program reaches an active breakpoint in dialog processing, the execution of the program is interrupted and ABAP Debugger is opened. An inactive breakpoint is ignored and the program execution continues with the statement after BREAK-POINT.

Breakpoints in background processing

In background processing, program execution is not interrupted. When the program reaches a (permanently) active breakpoint (the addition ID is not used), the entry "Breakpoint reached" is written to the system log along with the program name and the location of the breakpoint in the program. Activatable breakpoints (where the addition ID is used) are ignored. The program execution continues in both cases with the statement after BREAK-POINT.

Breakpoints in updates

In synchronous and asynchronous updates, the behavior depends on the setting of ABAP Debugger:

  • If ABAP Debugger is not set to update debugging, a breakpoint behaves as in background processing.
  • If ABAP Debugger is set to update debugging, a breakpoint behaves as in dialog processing. The update is executed in a dialog work process on the current application server.

In local updates, a breakpoint behaves as in dialog processing.

Breakpoints on ICF servers

While a service request from Internet Communication Framework (ICF) is being handled, the system only stops at an active breakpoint and branches to ABAP Debugger if external debugging is switched on. Possible handlers include:

Programs or procedures are called in the handlers are executed in the according to the service context and their breakpoints behave accordingly.

External debugging can be switched on for a limited time period (by default two hours) using transaction SICF or by setting an external breakpoint in ABAP Editor. If external debugging is not switched on, the breakpoints behave as in background processing.

Breakpoints in system programs

In system programs, system modules, system subroutines, and system function modules whose name begins with %_ , the statement BREAK-POINT is only respected if system debugging is switched on in ABAP Debugger (this is done in the Settings menu or by entering "/hs" in the command field of the system toolbar). Otherwise, breakpoints are ignored.

Addition 1

... ID group


The following applies when using the addition ID:

  • In dialog processing, activation from outside the program is controlled by a checkpoint group group or an activation variant. The rules that apply to the statement ASSERT also apply when the checkpoint group is specified. However, only inactive or break can be chosen as operation mode.
  • If the breakpoint with the addition ID is used in background processing, in updates in the update work process, and when executing programs as HTTP servers without external debugging, the breakpoint is always inactive.

Addition 2

... log_text


A supplementary text can be entered for the system log in log_text. In dialog processing, log_text has no effect. In background processing and during the update task, the contents of log_text in the system log are inserted between the words "Breakpoint" and "reached". For log_text, a flat, character-like data object with a length of 40 characters is expected. If a data object of type string is specified, it is ignored.


  • A breakpoint in SELECT loops can raise an exception due to the loss of the database cursor. This is because a database commit may be triggered during debugging.
  • Breakpoints that are always active are used solely for test purposes and are not permitted in production programs. The statement BREAK-POINT without the addition ID therefore causes an error in the extended program check.
  • BREAK followed by a user name is not a statement, but a predefined macro.
  • The statement BREAK-POINT defines a checkpoint that is part of an ABAP program. In ABAP Editor and ABAP Debugger, the following breakpoints can be set and managed without changing the source code:

  • Session breakpoints
    are set in ABAP Editor. Session breakpoints are valid in all ABAP sessions of the current user session.

  • External breakpoints
    are set in ABAP Editor or in transaction SICF. External breakpoints have the same validity as session breakpoints, but remain valid for other user sessions when the current session is ended. They are therefore particularly suitable for external HTTP debugging and RFC debugging.

  • Debugger breakpoints
    are set in the ABAP Debugger window. They are valid for the current debugging session and for all internal sessions and ABAP sessions of the debuggee. Debugger breakpoints can be saved as external breakpoints.


BREAK-POINT - interner Zusatz