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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Internal Tables →  Processing Statements for Internal Tables →  READ TABLE itab 

READ TABLE - index

Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... INDEX idx [USING KEY keyname] ... 


... USING KEY keyname


If the addition INDEX is used, the statement READ reads the row of the row number specified in idx with respect to a table index. idx is a numerical expression position of the operand type i. If the value of idx is less than or equal to 0 or greater than the number of table rows, no row is read and sy-subrc is set to 4. If the read is successful, the system field sy-tabix contains the row number specified in idx in the primary or secondary table index used.

If the addition USING KEY is not used, the addition INDEX can only be specified for index tables and determines the row to be read from the primary table index.


Table expressions enable reads to be performed in operand positions too. Here an index is specified as a numeric argument idx.


Reads the first ten rows of the internal table sflight_tab using the primary table index. Instead of the DO loop, a LOOP or a corresponding iteration expression with FOR is used for this purpose.

DATA: sflight_tab TYPE SORTED TABLE OF sflight 
                  WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY seatsocc, 
      sflight_wa  LIKE LINE OF sflight_tab. 


       FROM sflight 
       WHERE carrid = 'LH' AND 
             connid = '400' 
       INTO TABLE @sflight_tab. 


  READ TABLE sflight_tab INDEX sy-index INTO sflight_wa. 
  IF sy-subrc <> 0. 


... USING KEY keyname


If the addition USING KEY is used, a table key can be specified in keyname to specify the table index to be used explicitly.

If the table has a sorted secondary key, this can be specified in keyname. The row to be read is then determined from its secondary table index. A secondary hash key cannot be specified.

If the primary table key is specified under the name primary_key, the table must be an index table, and the behavior is the same as when USING KEY is not specified.


  • If a sorted secondary key exists, the addition INDEX can be used for all table categories, if USING KEY is used.
  • Table expressions enable reads to be performed in operand positions too. The table key for an index is specified using KEY keyname INDEX.


Reads the first ten rows of the internal table sflight_tab using a secondary table index. Instead of the DO loop, a LOOP or a corresponding iteration expression with FOR is used for this purpose.

DATA: sflight_tab TYPE HASHED TABLE OF sflight 
                  WITH UNIQUE KEY primary_key 
                       COMPONENTS carrid connid fldate 
                  WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY occupied_seats 
                       COMPONENTS seatsocc, 
      sflight_wa  LIKE LINE OF sflight_tab. 


       FROM sflight 
       WHERE carrid = 'LH' AND 
             connid = '400' 
       INTO TABLE @sflight_tab. 


  READ TABLE sflight_tab 
       INDEX sy-index USING KEY occupied_seats 
       INTO sflight_wa. 
  IF sy-subrc <> 0. 