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SELECT - aggregate

Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... { AVG( [DISTINCT] col ) 
    | MAX( [DISTINCT] col|sql_exp )
    | MIN( [DISTINCT] col|sql_exp )
    | SUM( [DISTINCT] col|sql_exp )
    | COUNT( DISTINCT col|sql_exp )
    | COUNT( * )
    | COUNT(*) } ...


Aggregate expression for

In an aggregate expression, a column col of a database table or view or an SQL expression sql_exp is specified as an argument of one of the aggregate functions shown here. Each aggregate function calculates a single value from the values of the column or from the results of the SQL expression and from multiple rows as follows. Here, the addition DISTINCT excludes duplicate values from the calculation:

  • AVG( [DISTINCT] col )
Determines the average value of the contents of column col in the results set or in the current group. The data type of the column must be numeric. The data types DF16_RAW and DF34_RAW and the obsolete types DF16_SCL and DF34_SCL are not allowed. The data type of the result for decimal floating point numbers is the corresponding data type (DF16_DEC or DF34_DEC) and otherwise FLTP. SQL expressions cannot be specified as arguments.
  • MAX( [DISTINCT] col|sql_exp )
    MIN( [DISTINCT] col|sql_exp )
Determine the maximum value or minimum value of the values of the column col or of the results of the SQL expression sql_exp in the results set or the current group. The data type of the result is the external data type of the corresponding column or of the result of the SQL expression. A column with any data type can be specified for col. The result of an SQL expression sql_exp must be a numeric type (except for the types for decimal floating point numbers).
  • SUM( [DISTINCT] col|sql_exp )
Determines the total of the content of the column col or of the results of the SQL expression sql_exp in the results set or the current group. The data type of the result is the external data type of the corresponding column or of the result of the SQL expression. The data type of the column col must be a numeric type. The data types DF16_RAW and DF34_RAW and the obsolete types DF16_SCL and DF34_SCL are not allowed. The result of an SQL expression sql_exp must be a numeric type (except for the types for decimal floating point numbers).
  • COUNT( DISTINCT col|sql_exp )
Determines the number of distinct values in the column col or of the results of the SQL expression sql_exp in the results set or the current group. The data type of the result is INT4. A column with any data type can be specified for col. An SQL expression sql_exp can be a result with any type (except for the types for decimal floating point numbers).
  • COUNT( * )
    COUNT( * )
Determines the number of rows in the results set or in the current group. No column identifier is specified in this case.
  • If COUNT( * ) or COUNT(*) is specified in a SELECT list with other columns or together with a GROUP BY clause, the data type of the result is INT4 and no numbers greater than 2147483647 can be determined.
  • If COUNT( * ) or COUNT(*) is specified as the only column and the GROUP BY clause is not specified, the internal data type of the result is INT8 and numbers up to +9223372036854775807 can be determined. The system field sy-dbcnt is set to the value -1 in results outside of the value range of the type i.

If the value of an aggregate expression is too large for the target area, an exception is raised. More specifically, a target object of the type p or decfloat34 must be specified if a value greater than the value range of INT4 is expected for a standalone function COUNT( * ) or COUNT(*).

If the argument of an aggregate function has the null value, it is ignored when the function is evaluated. The result is a null value only if all the rows in the column in question contain a null value.


  • The database platform determines whether an overflow occurs if the result of an aggregate function exceeds its value range. The overflow behavior of SQL expressions, on the other hand, is platform-independent. An aggregate expression with an SQL expression raises an exception on every platform in the case of an overflow, even if a corresponding result of the aggregate function would not raise an exception on every platform.
  • If the aggregate function SUM is used for columns of type DF16_DEC, we recommend using a target field of data type decfloat34 to avoid overflows.
  • If SQL expressions are specified as arguments of aggregate expressions, the syntax check is performed in a strict mode, which handles the statement more strictly than the regular syntax check.


Determines the number of airlines flying to New York.

DATA count TYPE i. 

       FROM spfli 
       WHERE cityto = 'NEW YORK' 
       INTO @count. 


Returns the flight date, the number of passengers, and the average and maximum luggage weight of all Lufthansa flights with the flight number 0400.

        fldate LIKE sbook-fldate, 
        count  TYPE i, 
        avg    TYPE p DECIMALS 2, 
        max    TYPE p DECIMALS 2, 
      END OF wa. 

SELECT fldate, COUNT( * ), AVG( luggweight ), MAX( luggweight ) 
       FROM sbook 
       WHERE carrid = 'LH' AND 
             connid = '0400' 
       GROUP BY fldate 
       INTO TABLE @itab. 

cl_demo_output=>display( itab ).