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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Data Interfaces and Communication Interfaces →  ABAP and OLE 


Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


SET PROPERTY OF ole attr = dobj [NO FLUSH] 
                                [EXPORTING p1 = f1 p2 = f2 ...].


1. ... NO FLUSH

2. ... EXPORTING p1 = f1 p2 = f2 ...


The attribute attr of an automation object ole is set in accordance with the content of the data object dobj. The automation object must have been created using the special statement CREATE OBJECT for automation objects. For the typing of ole, the description of the statement CREATE OBJECT applies. The typing of the data object dobj depends on the properties of the automation attribute attr.

System Fields

sy-subrc Meaning
0 Object attributes passed successfully.
1 Error in communication with SAP GUI.
2 Error in function call in SAP GUI.
3 Error when setting an attribute.
4 Error when reading an attribute.

Addition 1



The meaning of the addition NO FLUSH is included in the description of the statement CREATE OBJECT.

Addition 2

... EXPORTING p1 = f1 p2 = f2 ...


The addition EXPORTING can be assigned to the parameters p1 p2 ... of the attribute's actual parameters f1 f2 ..., where the data type of the data objects f1 f2 ... depends on the requirements of the attribute.


Calls the Office application Excel and displays an empty Excel table by assigning the value 1 to the attribute "Visible".

DATA app TYPE ole2_object. 

CREATE OBJECT app 'Excel.Application'. 
SET PROPERTY OF app 'Visible' = 1.