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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Calling and leaving program units →  Calling Programs →  Calling Executable Programs →  SUBMIT 

SUBMIT - job_options

Short Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... [USER user] VIA JOB job NUMBER n ... 


... USER user


This addition schedules the execution of the program accessed as a background task with the number n in the background request job. The number n for a background request job is supplied by function module JOB_OPEN in function group BTCH. The full program is not processed directly but in background processing, according to the parameters specified for the background request. The addition VIA JOB can only be used together with the addition AND RETURN.

The addition VIA JOB also loads the program accessed in a separate internal session when the statement SUBMIT is executed and the system performs all the steps specified before START-OF-SELECTION. This means the events LOAD-OF-PROGRAM and INITIALIZATION are triggered and selection screen processing is performed. If the selection screen is not processed in the background when VIA SELECTION-SCREEN is specified, the user of the calling program can edit it and schedule the program accessed in the background request using the function Place in Job. If the user cancels selection screen processing, the program is not scheduled in the background job. In both cases, execution of the program executed is completed after selection screen processing and the system returns to the calling program due to AND RETURN.

When the program is scheduled in the background task, the selections specified by the user or in the additions for filling the selection screen are stored in an internal variant. When the program is executed in the background request, it is processed fully but the selection screen is processed in the background. The system triggers all events, including that for selection screen processing. The variant stored internally is passed to the selection screen between the INITIALIZATION and AT SELECTION SCREEN OUTPUT events.

If a basic list is created in the program accessed, a spool request should be created with explicit spool parameters by specifying TO SAP-SPOOL. Otherwise the addition VIA JOB implicitly creates a spool request that derives its spool parameters from standard values, some of which are taken from the user defaults, and which are not necessarily consistent.

System Fields

sy-subrc Meaning
0 Background task scheduled successfully.
4 Scheduling terminated by the user on the selection screen.
8 Error during the scheduling, that is during the internal call of JOB_SUBMIT.
12 Error during internal number assignment


Background jobs can be created and monitored by choosing the menu path System - Services - Jobs. Internally, the language elements shown here are used. In addition to JOB_OPEN, the function modules JOB_CLOSE and JOB_SUBMIT can also be used in the ABAP program. JOB_CLOSE closes the creation of a background request. Like the statement SUBMIT, JOB_SUBMIT schedules an ABAP program as a background task in a background request. JOB_SUBMIT provides more control options for background processing but must receive the input values for the selection screen in an existing variant. The statement SUBMIT creates this variant and accesses JOB_SUBMIT internally.


Scheduling a submittable program as a background task with the number number in a background request name. After scheduling, the background task is completed by function module JOB_CLOSE and released immediately providing the user has the relevant authorization.

DATA: number           TYPE tbtcjob-jobcount,
      name             TYPE tbtcjob-jobname VALUE 'JOB_TEST',
      print_parameters TYPE pri_params.


    jobname              = name
    jobcount             = number
    cant_create_job  = 1
    invalid_job_data = 2
    jobname_missing      = 3
    OTHERS           = 4.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
  SUBMIT submitable TO SAP-SPOOL
                    SPOOL PARAMETERS print_parameters
                    WITHOUT SPOOL DYNPRO
                    VIA JOB name NUMBER number
                    AND RETURN.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
        jobcount             = number
        jobname              = name
        strtimmed            = 'X'
        cant_start_immediate = 1
        invalid_startdate    = 2
        jobname_missing      = 3
        job_close_failed     = 4
        job_nosteps          = 5
        job_notex            = 6
        lock_failed          = 7
        OTHERS               = 8.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.


... USER user


The optional addition USER can be used to specify a user name user of the type sy-uname, whose authorizations are used to run the background task. If USER is not specified, the user name of the current user session is used.


  • The name specified after USER is checked using the authorization object S_BTCH_NAM. When the program is executed, only those names can be specified for which the current user has the correct authorization. The names permitted by the authorization object represent a type of whitelist of users whose authorizations allow the current user to execute a background task.
  • The current user should not be specified explicitly using USER sy-uname. Not only is the user specified redundantly, the system field is also at risk of being overwritten before the background task is scheduled, for example in ABAP Debugger.
  • See also User-Specific Program Flow.