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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Data Interfaces and Communication Interfaces →  ABAP and JSON →  Transformations for JSON →  asJSON - Canonical JSON Representation →  asJSON - Mapping of ABAP Data Types →  asJSON - Mapping of Reference Variables and Objects 

asJSON - Named Reference Variables

Like a regular data object, a named reference variable is represented as an object component that has special content:

"bni":{ "%ref":"#key" }

The content of the object component of a named reference variable is an object with precisely one object component, called %ref. The content of the object component %ref is a character-like value "#key", where key is the unique key of an object component in the object %heap. The object of an initial reference is empty. The key key of the ABAP runtime environment is set in serializations; in deserializations, any key can be used.

Otherwise the same rules apply to serializations and deserializations of named reference variables as to asXML and the same special cases need to be noted.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54