ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Data Interfaces and Communication Interfaces → ABAP and JSON → JSON, Examples
JSON, asJSON for Additional XML Schema Data Types
This example demonstrates asJSON for additional XML Schema Data Types.
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
Source Code
BEGIN OF examples,
BEGIN OF boolean,
ab_true TYPE abap_bool
VALUE abap_true,
ab_false TYPE abap_bool
VALUE abap_false,
xsd_true TYPE xsdboolean
VALUE abap_true,
xsd_false TYPE xsdboolean
VALUE abap_false,
END OF boolean,
BEGIN OF date,
ab_date TYPE d
VALUE `20121001`,
xsd_date TYPE xsddate_d
VALUE `20121001`,
END OF date,
BEGIN OF datetime,
ab_timestamp TYPE timestamp
VALUE `20120727170334`,
ab_timestampl TYPE timestampl
VALUE `20120727170334.1234`,
xsd_datetime_z TYPE xsddatetime_z
VALUE `20120727170334`,
xsd_datetime_long_z TYPE xsddatetime_long_z
VALUE `20120727170334.1234`,
xsd_datetime_offset TYPE xsddatetime_offset
VALUE `20120727170334+140`,
xsd_datetime_local TYPE xsddatetime_local
VALUE `20120727170334`,
xsd_datetime_local_dt TYPE xsddatetime_local_dt
VALUE `20120727170334`,
END OF datetime,
BEGIN OF language,
ab_language TYPE sy-langu
xsd_language TYPE xsdlanguage
END OF language,
BEGIN OF uuid,
ab_uuid_raw TYPE x LENGTH 16
VALUE `005056A207C81ED1BFC6B69E72F50550`,
ab_uuid_char TYPE c LENGTH 32
VALUE `005056A207C81ED1BFC6B69E72F50550`,
xsd_uuid_raw TYPE xsduuid_raw
VALUE `005056A207C81ED1BFC6B69E72F50550`,
xsd_uuid_char TYPE xsduuid_char
VALUE `005056A207C81ED1BFC6B69E72F50550`,
END OF uuid,
END OF examples.
"Transformation to JSON
DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new(
)->begin_section( 'asJSON' ).
DATA(writer) = cl_sxml_string_writer=>create(
type = if_sxml=>co_xt_json ).
CALL TRANSFORMATION id SOURCE examples = examples
RESULT XML writer.
DATA(json) = writer->get_output( ).
out->write_json( json ).
out->next_section( 'asJSON-XML' ).
DATA(reader) = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( json ).
DATA(xml_writer) = cl_sxml_string_writer=>create( ).
reader->next_node( ).
reader->skip_node( xml_writer ).
DATA(xml) = xml_writer->get_output( ).
out->write_xml( xml ).
out->next_section( 'asXML' ).
CALL TRANSFORMATION id SOURCE examples = examples
out->write_xml( xml )->display( ).
By calling the identity transformation ID, for which a JSON writer is specified as an XML target, you generate and display the asJSON format of a structure. The structure components are typed with normal ABAP types and also typed with special domains for XML schema data types.
As a comparison, the JSON-XML representation of the JSON data and the asXML representation of the ABAP data is also shown.