ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Data Interfaces and Communication Interfaces → ABAP and XML → Transformations for XML → asXML - Canonical XML Representation → asXML - Mapping of ABAP Data Types
asXML - Mapping of Elementary ABAP Types
The asXML representation of elementary ABAP types is used in XSL transformations and in Simple Transformations. In both cases, the elementary values or the elementary components of complex structures are converted in accordance with this mapping.
For elementary data objects with predefined ABAP types, the as representation is based on the representation of
XML schema data types from
the namespace xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", where dates and times are represented in accordance with ISO-8601 and binary data is represented in accordance with
Base64. The mapping of ABAP
types to the XML schema data types is not fully bijective, due to the different value ranges. For example,
a time zone can be specified for the XML schema data type xds:date, which is not possible for the ABAP type d
The following tables show a summary of the mappings:
Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
Numeric Data Types
ABAP Type | ABAP Representation | XML Schema Type | XML Representation |
b |
123 | xsd:unsignedByte | 123 |
s |
-123 | xsd:short | -123 |
i |
-123 | xsd:int | -123 |
p |
-1.23 | xsd:decimal | -1.23 |
decfloat16 |
123E+1 | precisionDecimal, totalDigits = 16 | 1.23E+3 |
decfloat34 |
-3.140...0E+02 | precisionDecimal, totalDigits = 34 | -314.0...0 |
f |
-3.140...0E+02 | xsd:double | -3.14E2 |
Character-Like Data Types
ABAP Type | ABAP Representation | XML Schema Type | XML Representation |
c |
" Hi" | xsd:string | _Hi |
string |
" Hello " | xsd:string | Hello |
n |
"001234" | xsd:string (pattern [0-9]+) | 001234 |
d |
"20020204" | xsd:date | 2002-02-04 |
t |
"201501" | xsd:time | 20:15:01 |
Byte-Like Data Types
ABAP Type | ABAP Representation | XML Schema Type | XML Representation |
x |
ABCDEF | xsd:base64Binary | q83v |
xstring |
456789AB | xsd:base64Binary | RweJqw== |
Differences in Serialization
In serializations, ABAP values are converted to the appropriate character-like XML format. Deserializations operate in the opposite direction. Note the following differences to the usual conversion rules that apply in ABAP.
- For the serialization of decimal
floating point numbers, the same format as for their conversion to type
is generated.
- When data objects with the type
are serialized, trailing bytes with the value hexadecimal 0 are handled in the same way as trailing blanks with data typec
and are ignored.
- When the following ABAP data objects are serialized to asXML, some checks are made to see whether the ABAP data object has a valid value:
- A data object with the type
can contain only numbers.
- A data object with the type
must represent a valid packed number.
- A data object with the type
cannot contain any leading or trailing blanks or the corresponding separator ("-" or ":") It can contain parentheses, signs and the following operators:
Any violations of these rules raise handleable exceptions, some of which can be avoided by specifying a
transformation option after the OPTIONS
To check the validity of dates and times, the domains
XSDTIME_T can be used instead of the data types d
and t
Special Features of Deserialization
- For deserialization to decimal
floating point numbers, the conversion rule for source fields of the type
is used.
- Serializations to an ABAP data object must retain the precision of the XML value:
- Numeric types cannot lose decimal places.
- In character-like or byte-like data types with fixed lengths
), the target object must have enough places for the entire content, unless only leading and trailing blanks in data typec
and leading zeros in data typen
are affected.
- Structures cannot be converted to elementary data objects.
- Deserializations fill data objects of the type
with blanks or hexadecimal 0 on the right (as usual) if fewer characters or bytes are passed than can fit in the data object.
- If the required XML element does not exist when the system is deserializing in an elementary data
object, then the elementary data object retains its previous value. If an empty element is assigned
to an elementary data object, it is set to its type-specific initial value. To initialize the data object
in either case, the transformation option
can be used with the value "all".
Any violations of these rules raise handleable exceptions such as CX_SY_CONVERSION_DATA_LOSS, some of which can be avoided by specifying a
transformation option after the OPTIONS
Exceptions from mappings cannot be handled directly. Instead, the exception CX_TRANSFORMATION_ERROR (or one of its subclasses) from statement CALL TRANSFORMATION can be handled. The attribute PREVIOUS then contains a reference to the original exception.