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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Processing External Data →  ABAP Database Accesses →  Native SQL →  AMDP - ABAP Managed Database Procedures →  AMDP - Examples 

AMDP, Implementation of an L Procedure

This example demonstrates the implementation of a procedure in the programming language L using AMDP.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    IF cl_db_sys=>is_in_memory_db = abap_false.
        `Example can be executed on SAP HANA Database only` ).

    DATA(text) = `World`.
    cl_demo_input=>request( CHANGING field = text ).
    IF text IS INITIAL.

        NEW cl_demo_amdp_l_hello_world(
              )->hello_world( EXPORTING text  = text
                              IMPORTING texts = DATA(texts) ).
      CATCH cx_amdp_error INTO DATA(amdp_error).
        cl_demo_output=>display( amdp_error->get_text( ) ).

    cl_demo_output=>display( texts ).


The following L procedure is implemented in the AMDP method HELLO_WORLD of the AMDP class CL_DEMO_AMDP_L_HELLO_WORLD:

                   FOR HDB LANGUAGE LLANG
                   OPTIONS READ-ONLY.
* Hello World in L
  typedef Table <String "TEXT"> TT_TABLE;  /* Type definition
                                              repeated  */
  //Main entry point
  export Void main(String text, TT_TABLE & texts)
    { String hello = String("Hello ");
      texts."TEXT"[0z] = hello.append( text ).append( "!" ); }

The tabular output parameter is created from a predefined text and an interactive input made in the ABAP program.


The programming language L can only be used internally and with restrictions at SAP. For general programming with the SAP HANA database, SQL or the script language SQLScript must be used. The use of L by customers and partners is not supported.