ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing External Data → ABAP Database Accesses → Native SQL → AMDP - ABAP Managed Database Procedures → AMDP - Examples
AMDP, AMDP Methods in Interfaces and Superclasses
This example demonstrates how AMDP methods are implemented from interfaces and superclasses.
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
Source Code
DATA: iref TYPE REF TO if_demo_amdp_interface,
cref TYPE REF TO cl_demo_amdp_superclass.
CASE cl_db_sys=>is_in_memory_db.
WHEN abap_true.
cref = NEW cl_demo_amdp_subclass_hdb( ).
iref = NEW cl_demo_amdp_implement_hdb( ).
WHEN abap_false.
cref = NEW cl_demo_amdp_subclass_open( ).
iref = NEW cl_demo_amdp_implement_open( ).
iref->get_scarr( EXPORTING clnt = sy-mandt
IMPORTING carriers = DATA(result1) ).
cref->get_scarr( EXPORTING clnt = sy-mandt
IMPORTING carriers = DATA(result2) ).
CATCH cx_amdp_error INTO DATA(amdp_error).
cl_demo_output=>display( amdp_error->get_text( ) ).
ASSERT result1 = result2.
cl_demo_output=>display( name = 'Result'
data = result1 ).
An interface IF_DEMO_AMDP_INTERFACE and an abstract superclass CL_DEMO_AMDP_SUPERCLASS implement the tag interface IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB and contain the method GET_CARRIER, which meets the prerequisites of an AMDP method.
The interface method is implemented once as an AMDP method and once as a regular method in the classes CL_DEMO_AMDP_IMPLEMENT_HDB and CL_DEMO_AMDP_IMPLEMENT_OPEN. In the same way, the method of the abstract superclass is redefined in the fixed subclasses CL_DEMO_AMDP_SUBCLASS_HDB and CL_DEMO_AMDP_SUBCLASS_OPEN.
This program demonstrates how objects are created using either the AMDP method or the regular method and called polymorphically, as specified by the current database.