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ABAP CDS - Client Handling

The CDS annotation @ClientDependent can be used to switch client dependency on and off for a CDS view in ABAP CDS (the default setting is on).

The SELECT list of the CDS view never contains a client column. If client-dependency is switched on, client handling takes place as follows in Open SQL:

  • The associated CDS database view is given a client column when activated and this column is evaluated implicitly or explicitly as usual using the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED when SELECT is used to access the CDS database view.
  • If SELECT is used to access the CDS entity, the data of the current client or the client specified in the addition USING CLIENT is read implicitly. If the addition CLIENT SPECIFIED is specified, a client column is added to the results set first.

If client handling is switched off, the CDS database view does not contain a client column either.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


  • CDS views for application data should usually be client-specific.

  • Native SQL can only be used to access the CDS database view. When client-specific views are accessed, the client ID must be specified as usual and only data in the current client should be accessed.