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ABAP CDS - cast_expr

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... cast( operand AS dtype ) ...


Casting (type adjustment) in a SELECT statement of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. This casting converts the value of the operand operand to the dictionary type specified by dtype. The result has the type dtype. The following can be specified for dtype:

dtype Dictionary Type
abap.char( len ) CHAR with length len
abap.clnt CLNT
abap.cuky( len ) CHAR with length len
abap.curr( len, decimals ) DEC with length len and decimals decimal places
abap.dats DATS
abap.dec( len , decimals ) DEC with length len and decimals decimal places
abap.fltp FLTP
abap.int1 INT1
abap.int2 INT2
abap.int4 INT4
abap.lang LANG
abap.numc( len ) NUMC with length len
abap.quan( len , decimals ) DEC with length len and decimals decimal places
abap.tims TIMS
abap.unit( len ) CHAR with length len

The actual length of the result is defined when the CDS view is activated and is must be at least as long as an explicitly defined length len.

The following can be specified for operand:

  • A field of a data source data_source of the current CDS view

Casting expressions cannot be nested and cannot contain case distinctions as operands. Casting expressions can be specified in the SELECT list and in operand positions of other expressions.

The following tables shows which data types can currently be cast to which other data types:

INT1 x x x y y - x y - x - y - - - -
INT2 x x x y y - - y - x - y - - - -
INT4 x x x y y - - y - x - y - - - -
NUMC y y y y x x z x z x - y - z - -
CHAR - - - x - y y - y - y - - y y y
DEC - - - y y - - y - x - y - - - -
QUAN - - - y y - - y - x - x - - - -
CURR - - - y y - - x - x - y - - - -
FLTP - - - - - - - - - x - - - - - -

In combinations using "y", the target data type must be long enough and in combinations using "z", the lengths of the data types must match exactly.


Casting expressions in a SELECT list.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_VW'
define view sales_order as
  select from snwd_so
         association [1..*] to snwd_so_i as item
           on snwd_so.node_key = item.parent_key
         { key snwd_so.node_key,
               gross_amount as original_amount,
               cast(gross_amount as abap.fltp) +
                 (cast( -gross_amount as abap.fltp) * 0.03)
                   as reduced_amount,
               cast(gross_amount as abap.fltp) * 0.03
                 as overall_savings,
               item.so_item_pos as item_position,
               item.gross_amount as item_gross_amount,
               cast(item.gross_amount as abap.fltp) * 0.97
                 as item_savings }