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ABAP CDS - SELECT, data_source

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... entity[parameters]|path_expr [AS alias]
[join] ...


Defines a data source of a CDS view in ABAP CDS. A data source can be a database table defined in ABAP Dictionary or a view. In the latter case, the view can be an external view or another CDS view.

  • The data source is specified either directly using its name entity or using a path expression path_expr in which associations are evaluated.
  • AS can be used to define an alternative name alias for a directly specified data source. An alternative name must be defined if a path expression is used. The name must comply with the naming rules for names.
  • The syntax join can be used to join multiple data sources as joins.


Only transparent tables can be accessed using CDS views. A pooled table or cluster table can be specified as a data source; in this case, no CDS database view is generated at activation. When the CDS entity is accessed with Open SQL statement SELECT, an exception occurs.


The CDS view business_partner is defined for the database table snwd_bpa, for which an alternative name partner is specified. This name is used in the SELECT list.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'BPA_VW'
define view business_partner as
  select from snwd_bpa as partner
         { key partner.bp_id,
           partner.bp_role }


ABAP CDS - SELECT, parameters