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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Creating Objects and Values →  CREATE OBJECT →  CREATE OBJECT - AREA HANDLE 

Creating a Class Instance as a Shared Object

The example demonstrates how an object is created in an area instance version.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA: handle TYPE REF TO cl_demo_area,
          root   TYPE REF TO cl_demo_root,
          exc    TYPE REF TO cx_shm_attach_error,
          oref   TYPE REF TO class.

        handle = cl_demo_area=>attach_for_write( ).
        CREATE OBJECT root AREA HANDLE handle.
        handle->set_root( root ).
        CREATE OBJECT root->oref AREA HANDLE handle TYPE class.
        oref ?= root->oref.
        oref->set_attr( `String in shared memory` ).
        CLEAR oref.
        handle->detach_commit( ).
      CATCH cx_shm_attach_error INTO exc.
        cl_demo_output=>display_text( exc->get_text( ) ).

        handle = cl_demo_area=>attach_for_read( ).
        oref ?= handle->root->oref.
        cl_demo_output=>display_data( oref->attr ).
        CLEAR oref.
        handle->detach( ).
      CATCH cx_shm_attach_error INTO exc.
        cl_demo_output=>display_text( exc->get_text( ) ).


The AREA HANDLE addition is used to create an instance of the local class class in an area instance version of area CL_DEMO_AREA as a shared object. The generically typed attribute oref of area root class CL_DEMO_ROOT is used a reference variable. The attr attribute of the object is assigned a value when its set_attr method is called.

Once write access is completed using the DETACH_COMMIT method, read access takes place, which demonstrates how the object is accessed in the shared memory. This type of access can also take place in a different program, provided that the area instance version exists in the shared memory.