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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  User Dialogs →  Dynpros →  Dynpro Fields →  Screen Fields - Examples 

Dynpros, Strings

The example demonstrates how to link strings to dynpro fields.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    DATA  len TYPE i.

    string1 = `123       `.
    string2 = `12345678901234567890`.
    char1   = string1.
    char2   = string2.

    len = STRLEN( string1 ).
    WRITE:  'PBO:',
          / 'Length of STRING1:',  len.
    len = STRLEN( char1 ).
    WRITE: / 'Length of CHAR1:  ', len.
    len = STRLEN( string2 ).
    WRITE: / 'Length of STRING2:', len.
    len = STRLEN( char2 ).
    WRITE: / 'Length of CHAR2:  ', len.

    CALL SCREEN 100.

    len = STRLEN( string1 ).
    WRITE:  'PAI:',
          / 'Length of STRING1:',  len.
    len = STRLEN( char1 ).
    WRITE: / 'Length of CHAR1:  ', len.
    len = STRLEN( string2 ).
    WRITE: / 'Length of STRING2:', len.
    len = STRLEN( char2 ).
    WRITE: / 'Length of CHAR2:  ', len.


The static next-screen number of dynpro 100 is 0. There are four input fields STRING1, STRING2, CHAR1 and CHAR2 of type CHAR with a length of 10. In the dynpro flow logic no modules are called.

When executing the program, the screen is displayed with the values "123" and "1234567890" in the fields STRING1/CHAR1 and STRING2/CHAR2. After confirming with Continue, a list appears that displays the length of the content of the respective ABAP fields at PBO and PAI.

At PBO, STRING1 contains ten characters, seven of which are terminating blanks. These are lost during the assignment to CHAR1 and the character length of CHAR1 is only three.

At PAI, STRING1 contains only three characters, because the blanks are suppressed during the transport to and from the dynpro.

Both with STRING2 and with CHAR2 all characters that do not fit into the respective dynpro fields, are truncated.