ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing Internal Data → Numeric Calculations → arith_exp - Arithmetic Expressions → arith_exp - Arithmetic Operators
Floating Point Numbers, Arithmetic Calculations
The example demonstrates arithmetic calculations with floating point numbers.
Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
Source Code
<span class="blue">* Calculate decfloat34</span>
CASE operator.
WHEN ' '.
df34_r = EXACT #( + df34_1 ).
WHEN '+'.
df34_r = EXACT #( df34_1 + df34_2 ).
WHEN '-'.
df34_r = EXACT #( df34_1 - df34_2 ).
WHEN '*'.
df34_r = EXACT #( df34_1 * df34_2 ).
WHEN '/'.
df34_r = EXACT #( df34_1 / df34_2 ).
WHEN '**'.
df34_r = df34_1 ** df34_2.
CLEAR exct_34.
CATCH cx_sy_conversion_overflow.
res_df34 = text-ove.
CLEAR exct_34.
CATCH cx_sy_arithmetic_overflow.
res_df34 = text-ove.
CLEAR exct_34.
CATCH cx_sy_conversion_rounding INTO DATA(exrnd).
df34_r = exrnd->value.
exct_34 = text-noe.
IF res_df34 = ' '.
res_df34 = |{ df34_r ALIGN = LEFT STYLE = SCALE_PRESERVING }|.
continue_flag = 'X'.
<span class="blue">* Calculate decfloat16</span>
CASE operator.
WHEN ' '.
df16_r = EXACT #( df34_1 ).
WHEN '+'.
df16_r = EXACT #( df34_1 + df34_2 ).
WHEN '-'.
df16_r = EXACT #( df34_1 - df34_2 ).
WHEN '*'.
df16_r = EXACT #( df34_1 * df34_2 ).
WHEN '/'.
df16_r = EXACT #( df34_1 / df34_2 ).
WHEN '**'.
df16_r = df34_1 ** df34_2.
CLEAR exct_16.
CATCH cx_sy_conversion_overflow.
res_df16 = text-ove.
CLEAR exct_16.
CATCH cx_sy_arithmetic_overflow.
res_df16 = text-ove.
CLEAR exct_16.
CATCH cx_sy_conversion_rounding INTO exrnd.
df16_r = exrnd->value.
exct_16 = text-noe.
IF res_df16 = ' '.
res_df16 = |{ df16_r ALIGN = LEFT STYLE = SCALE_PRESERVING }|.
<span class="blue">* Calculate type f</span>
f1 = df34_1.
f2 = df34_2.
CASE operator.
WHEN ' '.
f_r = f1.
WHEN '+'.
f_r = f1 + f2.
WHEN '-'.
f_r = f1 - f2.
WHEN '*'.
f_r = f1 * f2.
WHEN '/'.
f_r = f1 / f2.
WHEN '**'.
f_r = f1 ** f2.
CATCH cx_sy_conversion_overflow.
res_f = text-ove.
CATCH cx_sy_arithmetic_overflow.
res_f = text-ove.
IF res_f = ' '.
res_f = |{ f_r ALIGN = LEFT }|.
Two operands and various arithmetic operators can be entered. The calculation is performed for the data
types decfloat34
, decfloat16
, and f
. For decimal floating point numbers, the losslessness of the calculation is checked using the
lossless operator EXACT