ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing Internal Data → Internal Tables → Expressions and Functions for Internal Tables → FOR - Table Iterations → Examples of Grouping with FOR
Internal Tables, Grouping with FOR in Packages
This example demonstrates a construction of the group key that does not depend on the row content.
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
Source Code
DATA out TYPE REF TO if_demo_output.
cl_demo_input=>request( EXPORTING text = `Package size`
CHANGING field = n ).
IF n <= 0.
out = REDUCE #(
INIT o = cl_demo_output=>new(
)->begin_section( |Packages of { n }| )
FOR GROUPS OF wa IN itab GROUP BY group( )
LET group = VALUE i_tab( FOR <wa> IN GROUP wa ( <wa> ) ) IN
NEXT o = o->write( group ) ).
out->display( ).
This example works in the same way as the corresponding
example for
, but uses the expression FOR GROUPS ... OF
for a
reduction with REDUCE
instead of the
group loop.The
group key after GROUP
BY cannot be constructed in the same way in this case, since the system field sy-tabix
is not available during grouping in expressions. The addition INDEX INTO
cannot be used either, since it sets a value for each group but not for each evaluated row. This is why a self-defined method, group
, is called here to count the rows.
The result of the table reduction is a reference to an object of the class CL_DEMO_OUTPUT
to which the results of the grouping are written. The group members are written to a local auxiliary table members
using a
table comprehension
with VALUE
. This table comprehension could also be used in the
example for LOOP AT ... GROUP BY
instead of the
member loop.