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Accessing the MIME Repository from HTTP Service

This example demonstrates how the MIME repository is accessed using an HTTP service in ICF.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    IF icf_node IS INITIAL.

    DATA(url) = icf_node
                  && `?sap-client=`
                  && sy-mandt
                  && `&sap-language=`
                  && cl_i18n_languages=>sap1_to_sap2( sy-langu ).
    DATA(url_icf) = url && `&mime_access=icf`.
    DATA(url_api) = url && `&mime_access=api`.

     |<html>| &&
     |<body>| &&
     |Link to HTTP-Service getting picture from ICF:

| &&
     |<a href="{ url_icf }" target="_blank">{ url_icf }</a>

| &&
     |Link to HTTP-Service getting picture from API:

| &&
     |<a href="{ url_api }" target="_blank">{ url_api }</a>

| &&
     |</body>| &&
     |</html>| ).


The HTTP service /sap/bc/abap/demo_mime can be called with different contents of the form field mime_access of the URL:

  • If the form field has the value icf, the handler class CL_HTTP_EXT_MIME_DEMO creates an HTML file. This file points to an image in the MIME repository (as described in a different example).
  • If the form field has the value api, the handler class CL_HTTP_EXT_MIME_DEMO creates the HTML file and also the image that is referenced in the HTML file. The image is loaded and forwarded using MIME-API.