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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Meshes →  Meshes - Using Mesh Paths →  LOOP AT mesh_path 

Loops Across Mesh Paths

This example demonstrates loops across mesh paths.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Source Code

    input( ).


          'Initial Association SCARR\to_spfli' ).
        LOOP AT
          flights-scarr\to_spfli[ flights-scarr[ carrname = name ]
                                 WHERE countryto = country  ]
             INTO DATA(spfli_wa).
          out->write( spfli_wa ).

          'Chained Association SCARR\to_spfli\to_sairport' ).
        LOOP AT
          flights-scarr\to_spfli[ flights-scarr[ carrname = name ]
                                 WHERE countryto = country
                               ]\to_sairport[ USING KEY primary_key ]
             INTO DATA(sairport_wa).
          out->write( sairport_wa ).

          'Chained Association' &&
          ' SCARR\to_spfli\to_sflight\^to_sflight~spfli' ).
        LOOP AT
          flights-scarr\to_spfli[ flights-scarr[ carrname = name ]
                                 WHERE countryto = country
                                 WHERE planetype = plane1 OR
                                       planetype = plane2
                                ]\^to_sflight~spfli[ ]
             ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<spfli_wa>).
          out->write( <spfli_wa> ).

      CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found.
        out->write( 'Exception!' ).
    out->display( ).


Loops are performed across the following mesh paths:

  • Mesh path with forward association as its initial association. The source in the square brackets is a table expression, plus a WHERE condition.
flights-scarr\to_spfli[ flights-scarr[ carrname = name ]
                        WHERE countryto = country  ]
The results set consists of all rows of the node spfli that meet the condition.
  • Mesh path with forward associations as its initial association and path extension. The source in the square brackets of the initial association is a table expression, plus a WHERE condition. A key is specified in the square brackets of the path extension for evaluating the association.
flights-scarr\to_spfli[ flights-scarr[ carrname = name ]
                        WHERE countryto = country
                      ]\to_sairport[ USING KEY primary_key ]
The results set consists of all rows of the node sairport that match the column airpfrom in the results set of the source node spfli. Duplicate rows are removed automatically.
  • Mesh path with forward associations as its initial association and two path extensions. The last path extension is an inverse association that leads back to the source node.
flights-scarr\to_spfli[ flights-scarr[ carrname = name ]
                        WHERE countryto = country
                       WHERE planetype = plane1 OR
                             planetype = plane2
                      ]\^to_sflight~spfli[ ]
The results set consists of all rows of the node spfli for which the rows in the results set of sflight have specific values in the column plane_type.

See also the example for table comprehensions for meshes.
