ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Release-Specific Changes → Changes in Release 7.0 and its EhPs → Changes in Release 7.0, EhP2
ABAP Objects in Release 7.0, EhP2
1. Declaring Instance Constructors
Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
Modification 1
Declaring Instance Constructors
As of Release 7.0, EhP2, the METHODS
statement can be used to declare an
instance constructor in all
visibility areas,
the instantiablity of which is more general than or equal to that specified in the
addition of the
CLASS DEFINITION statement. Until now, this was only possible with the public visibility area (change has already been downported to Release 7.0).
Modification 2
C Destructor
As of Release 7.0, EhP2, more than one attribute can be passed in SYSTEM-CALL
in the C Destructor.
Modification 3
Constants in Class Pools
As of Release 7.0, EhP2, it is possible to declare program local constants in a class pool where the gloabal classes can access their private components and their methods.