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XML Interface in Release 7.40, SP02

In Release 7.40, SP02, the interface between ABAP and XML has been enhanced as follows:

1. New ST statement tt:read-write

2. Mapping rules for tt:value

3. Support for JSON

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Modification 1

New ST Statement ttread-write

The new ST statement tt:read-write is a short form for the statements tt:read and tt:write specified one after the other.

Modification 2

Mapping Rules for ttvalue

In the ST statement tt:value, the attribute option="...,..." can be used to specify options for certain data types that override the default mapping of elementary data objects to the asXML format.

Modification 3

Support for JSON

The format IF_SXML=>CO_XT_JSON has been added to the formats supported by sXML Library. XML readers and XML writers created in this format can be used to process JSON data. A special JSON-XML is used as an intermediate format here.

The statement CALL TRANSFORMATION can access these JSON readers and JSON writers and use them as XML sources or XML targets. Furthermore, JSON data can also be specified as an XML source in strings and internal tables.