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ST - Pattern

When conditional transformations are deserialized, the fact that the template content is also a pattern is used as a criterion for the assessment. A pattern contains one or more constructs that are used as markers. The most common form of a marker is a literal XML element: If the content of the condition consists of exactly one XML element, then the condition has a positive result if an XML with this name follows in the current position in the XML input stream.

Marker constructs are:

Each of these constructs can be compared with the input stream in an obvious way.

A pattern can usually contain multiple markers. For example, the sequence

  <X> ... </X>
<Y> ... </Y>

is also a pattern; it contains the markers <X> and <Y>. A condition with this pattern is determined positively by element X as well as by element Y in the input stream (in the second case, condition is determined negatively with X).

The number of marker constructs M(c) contained in template content c is defined recursively below. Template content c is a pattern if M(c) is not empty. In summary, M(c) consists of the markers that can be used to positively determine pattern c, where conditions in an initial part of c can also be determined negatively.

  • M(c) = {c} for marker c. This means that each marker is a (primitive) pattern and the marker set for this pattern consists of the marker itself.

Some constructs propagate markers externally:

  • M(tt:deserialize) = M(tt:ref) = M(c) for the content c of the construct in question.
  • M(tt:apply) = M(c) for the body c of the called template.
  • M(tt:loop) = M(c) for the loop body c.

Transformations with conditions also propagate markers. If differences in cases exist or groupings, then the union of all cases is determined:

  • M(tt:[d-]cond) = M(c) for the condition body c.
  • M(tt:group) = M(tt:switch) = M(c1) U ... U M(cn) for all cases ci = tt:[d-]cond

For all other instructions c, M(c) is empty.

For c1 c2 ... sequences in template content, the following applies:

  • M(c1 c2 ...) = M(c1) U M(c2 ...), if c1 is a prepattern, otherwise M(c1)

Template content is a pre-pattern if its deserialization is possible without the use of content from the input stream. In detail:

  • All constructs with an empty deserialization are pre-patterns. These are tt:s-cond, tt:assign, tt:clear, tt:serialize, tt:write, and compositions of these with tt:cond-var, tt:switch-var, and tt:apply.
  • tt:[d-]cond is a pre-pattern if the condition body is a pattern. (If the pattern cannot be compared, the condition is determined negatively and is skipped.)

tt:deserialize, tt:ref, and tt:apply propagate the pre-pattern property.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


The content of the following element tt:cond is a pattern with marker elements {f1, f2, f3} (but not fx).

<tt:cond s-check="not-initial(F3) and initial(F6)">
  <tt:clear ref="F3"/>
  <tt:cond check="not-initial(F1) or not-initial(F2)">
    <tt:cond check="not-initial(F1)">
      <tt:clear ref="F1"/>
        <f1 a="v" tt:value-ref="F1"/>
        <f1 tt:value-ref="F1"/>
    <f2 tt:value-ref="F2"/>
  <f3 tt:value-ref="F3"/>
  <fx> ... </fx>