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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Data Interfaces and Communication Interfaces →  ABAP and XML →  Transformations for XML →  ST - Simple Transformations 

ST - Serialization and Deserialization

Serialization and deserialization is primarily based on following schema:

  • In serializations, the literal elements of templates are passed to the target XML data unchanged; the ST commands specified in between are executed.
  • In deserializations, the source XML data is handled as an inbound stream and compared to the template element by element. Elements (or attributes or texts) of the inbound stream with the same name are consumed if they are positioned in the ST program at the same place or if a command is positioned there that can process the element. After the successful comparison or consumption of the element, the comparison of the subsequent element starts.

Serializations and deserializations can be divided into the following topics:

When a simple transformation is defined, note whether the serializations and deserializations are symmetric.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


  • In serializations and deserializations, the XML data is processed in the form of writer streams and reader streams. When ABAP methods are called from simple transformations, it is possible to edit these XML streams.

  • Serializations and deserializations are subject to the general restriction that the content of a data root cannot be modified by serialization; only writes are possible to a data root in deserializations.


ST - Literal Template Content

ST - tt:attribute, Non-Literal Attributes

ST - tt:namespace, Namespaces

ST - Transformation of ABAP Values

ST - Value Assignments

ST - Reading and Writing Variables

ST - Flow Control

ST - Symmetry of Serialization and Deserialization

ST - Representation of ABAP Values