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Embedded Expressions - Predefined Formats

The following predefined formatting rules apply to embedded expressions in string templates. These rules can be overridden by explicit formatting options format_options.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54

Text Length

The predefined text length is the minimum length required to represent the whole result of the embedded expression.


The predefined alignment for all data types is left-aligned.

Character-Like Data Types

For all character-type data types with fixed lengths (c, d, n, and t), the full content is used and any trailing blanks ignored. The content of text strings with the type string is used in full.


Unlike in WRITE TO, no formatting is applied for the data types d and t and no separators are inserted.

Byte-Like Data Types

Values of the byte-like data types x and xstring are formatted in hexadecimal format, where a byte is represented by two characters.

Numeric Data Types

The following rules apply to the representation of numeric values:

  • For negative values, the minus sign is placed on the left of the number, without a blank. No sign is placed in front of positive numbers by default.
  • The period (.) is always used as the decimal separator.
  • No thousand separators are inserted.

The following applies to the individual numeric data types:

  • When formatting values of data type (b, s), i , and p, all decimal places are respected in mathematical notation.
  • Values with the data types decfloat16 and decfloat34 are formatted by default in mathematical notation, without an exponent. The formatting option EXPONENT can be used to represent the exponent. Trailing zeros in the decimal place positions are not usually displayed. The formatting option DECIMALS can be used to display the required number of decimal places.
  • Values with the data type f are formatted by default in mathematical notation, without an exponent. The formatting option EXPONENT can be used to represent the exponent. Trailing zeros in the decimal place positions are not usually displayed. The formatting option DECIMALS can be used to display the required number of decimal places.