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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP - Reference →  Processing Internal Data →  Internal Tables →  Expressions and Functions for Internal Tables →  table_exp - Table Expressions 

table_exp - Chainings

The structure component selector - can be used to chain table expressions directly with other table expressions.

If the constructor operator VALUE or REF is specified before a chaining to control the result, only the final result is affected. Any intermediate results are always temporary field symbols and the corresponding performance notes should be read.

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


Chainings of table expressions with functional methods (specifying the internal table as a functional method call, reading the internal table using chained attribute reads, and specifying an object component selector -> on the right of a table expression) are not yet possible.


The following example demonstrates two ways of bypassing the current restriction specifying that a table expression cannot be positioned directly in front of ->. In the first case, the helper variable oref is introduced. The second case requires an additional operation, but no helper variables.


DATA(oref) = itab[ idx ].
oref->meth( ).

CAST class( itab[ idx ] )->meth( ).

Chainings with the Structure Component Selector

A table expression can be chained as follows using the structure component selector -:

  • If the result of a table expression itab[ ... ] is a structure, the structure component selector can be used to read each component comp of the structure:
... itab[ ... ]-comp ...
If comp has a suitable type, a specified offset/length +off(len) can be appended, except when the chaining is used as a memory area of the statement ASSIGN or as an argument of the reference operator REF.
  • If a structure struct has a table-like component comp, it can be used as the name of the internal table of a table expression:
... struct-comp[ ... ] ...

Both of these alternatives can be combined, enabling a structured component selector to be located directly on the left and right of a table expression.


If the reference operator REF is specified in front of a chaining whose result is a component of a structured table row, it creates a reference to this component.


Reads the first column of the second row of the table-like second component of the first row of the internal table itab. The result is 4.

TYPES: BEGIN OF struct1, 
         col1 TYPE i, 
         col2 TYPE i, 
       END OF struct1, 
       tab1 TYPE TABLE OF struct1 WITH EMPTY KEY, 
       BEGIN OF struct2, 
         col1 TYPE i, 
         col2 TYPE tab1, 
       END OF struct2, 
       tab2 TYPE TABLE OF struct2 WITH EMPTY KEY. 

DATA(itab) = 
  VALUE tab2( 
    ( VALUE struct2( col1 = 1 
                    col2 = VALUE tab1( 
                             ( VALUE struct1( col1 = 2 
                                              col2 = 3 ) ) 
                             ( VALUE struct1( col1 = 4 
                                              col2 = 5 ) ) ) ) ) 
    ( VALUE struct2( col1 = 6 
                     col2 = VALUE tab1( 
                             ( VALUE struct1( col1 = 7 
                                              col2 = 8 ) ) 
                             ( VALUE struct1( col1 = 9 
                                              col2 = 10 ) ) ) ) ) ). 

DATA(num) = itab[ 1 ]-col2[ 2 ]-col1.


See Table Expressions, Chainings for a further example.

Chainings with Table Expressions

If the result of a table expression itab[ ... ] is an internal table, it can be used as the name of the internal table of a table expression:

... itab[ ... ][ ... ] ...

An expression of this type can

  • continue itself with square brackets ([ ... ]) if its result is again table-like,
  • combined with the information from structure component selectors above.


In an internal table nested twice, reads the first row of the innermost table in the second row of the center table in the second row of the outermost table. The result is 7.

       tab2 TYPE TABLE OF tab1 WITH EMPTY KEY, 
       tab3 TYPE TABLE OF tab2 WITH EMPTY KEY. 

DATA(itab) = VALUE tab3( 
               ( VALUE tab2( 
                   ( VALUE tab1( 
                       ( 1 ) 
                       ( 2 ) ) ) 
                   ( VALUE tab1( 
                       ( 3 ) 
                       ( 4 ) ) ) ) ) 
               ( VALUE tab2( 
                   ( VALUE tab1( 
                       ( 5 ) 
                       ( 6 ) ) ) 
                   ( VALUE tab1( 
                       ( 7 ) 
                       ( 8 ) ) ) ) ) ). 

DATA(num) = itab[ 2 ][ 2 ][ 1 ].


Direct chaining of table expressions and chaining with the structure component selector in a single expression. Reads the structure component of the innermost nested table with the value 13.

TYPES: BEGIN OF struct1, 
         col1 TYPE i, 
         col2 TYPE i, 
       END OF struct1, 
       tab1 TYPE TABLE OF struct1 WITH EMPTY KEY, 
       BEGIN OF struct2, 
         col1 TYPE i, 
         col2 TYPE TABLE OF tab1 WITH EMPTY KEY, 
       END OF struct2, 
       tab2 TYPE TABLE OF struct2 WITH EMPTY KEY. 

DATA(itab) = 
  VALUE tab2( 
    ( VALUE struct2( 
              col1 = 1 
              col2 = VALUE #( 
                       ( VALUE tab1( 
                           ( VALUE struct1( 
                                    col1 = 2 
                                    col2 = 3 ) ) 
                           ( VALUE struct1( 
                                    col1 = 4 
                                    col2 = 5 ) ) ) ) 
                       ( VALUE tab1( 
                           ( VALUE struct1( 
                                    col1 = 6 
                                    col2 = 7 ) ) 
                           ( VALUE struct1( 
                                    col1 = 8 
                                    col2 = 9 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 
    ( VALUE struct2( 
              col1 = 10 
              col2 = VALUE #( 
                       ( VALUE tab1( 
                           ( VALUE struct1( 
                                    col1 = 11 
                                    col2 = 12 ) ) 
                           ( VALUE struct1( 
                                    col1 = 13 
                                    col2 = 14 ) ) ) ) 
                       ( VALUE tab1( 
                          ( VALUE struct1( 
                                   col1 = 15 
                                   col2 = 16 ) ) 
                          ( VALUE struct1( 
                                   col1 = 17 
                                   col2 = 18 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ). 

DATA(num) = itab[ 2 ]-col2[ 1 ][ 2 ]-col1.


Table Expressions, Chainings - Example