ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Program Parameters → Language Environment → Formatting Settings → Country-Specific Formats
Time Formats
The time format is specified by column TIMEFM, where "hh", "mm", and "ss" stand for hour, minute, and second. One 24-hour format and several 12-hour formats are available:
TIMEFM | Time Format |
0 | 24-hour format (default setting) hh:mm:ss |
1 | 12-hour format (1 to 12) hh:mm:ss AM and hh:mm:ss PM |
2 | 12-hour format (1 to 12) hh:mm:ss am and hh:mm:ss pm |
3 | 12-hour format (0 to 11) hh:mm:ss AM and hh:mm:ss PM |
4 | 12-hour format (0 to 11) hh:mm:ss am and hh:mm:ss pm |
- The 24-hour format follows the standard ISO-8601.
- The 12-hour formats are specific for specific English-speaking countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the USA. AM/am stands for "Ante meridiem" (before noon) and PM/pm stands for "Post meridiem" (after noon).
- The formats for values "1" and "2" or "3" and "4" differ only in the capitalization of AM/PM and am/pm.
- For the 12-hour formats of values "1" and "2", midnight and noon are displayed as 12:00:00.
- For the 12-hour formats of values "3" and "2", midnight and noon are displayed as 00:00:00.
Other versions:
7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54
- All time formats are suitable for the display of times. Only the 24-hour format is suitable for the display of a period of time, that is, the duration between two points in time. It does not make sense to display AM/am and PM/pm for a period of time.
- The class CL_ABAP_TIMEFM contains a helper method for dealing with time formats.
To see the display of various times of day in all possible times, see the respective example with character string templates.