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sql_cond - AND, OR, NOT

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


... sql_cond1 AND sql_cond2 AND sql_cond3 ...

... sql_cond1 OR sql_cond2 OR sql_cond3 ...

... NOT sql_cond ...


Any number of logical expressions using AND or OR can be joined to make one logical expression using sql_cond and the result of a logical expression can be negated using NOT. The same rules apply as to general logical expressions, with the difference that the operator NOT cannot be specified more than once consecutively. In particular an explicit use of parentheses is also possible.

The following additional rules apply to logical expressions whose result is unknown:

  • An AND join of two unknown expressions or one true expression with an unknown expression produces an unknown expression. An AND join of a false expression with an unknown expression produces a false expression.
  • An OR join of two unknown expressions or one false expression with an unknown expression produces an unknown expression. An OR join of one true and one unknown expression produces a true expression.
  • The negation of an unknown expression with NOT produces an unknown expression.


  • In particular, the expressions specified dynamically as (cond_syntax) are also possible as logical expressions within a join or negation.

  • The operator NOT in a WHERE clause cannot be supported by an index. For this reason, we recommend that the reverse relational operator is used instead of NOT, for example col <= dobj instead of NOT col > dobj.

  • Two NOT operators can only be specified consecutively if they are separated by an opening parenthesis. If not, an even number of consecutive NOTs has the same meaning as none and an odd number of consecutive NOTs has the same meaning as a single NOT and should be used accordingly.


Reads flights from Frankfurt to Los Angeles or San Francisco.

       FROM spfli 
       WHERE cityfrom = 'FRANKFURT' AND 
             ( cityto = 'LOS ANGELES' OR 
               cityto = 'SAN FRANCISCO' ) 
       INTO TABLE @DATA(spfli_tab).