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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  SAP GUI User Dialogs →  Classic Lists →  Event Blocks for Lists →  AT list_event 


Quick Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54




This statement defines an event block whose event is raised by the ABAP runtime environment if, when a screen is displayed, a function with a self-defined function code is chosen. The function code is available in the system field sy-ucomm when processing starts.

Self-defined function codes are all those that include character combinations, except for the following:

  • The function codes "PICK" and "PFnn" ("nn" stands for 01 to 24) do not raise the event AT USER-COMMAND, but the events AT LINE-SELECTION and AT PFnn instead.
  • All function codes that start with the character "%" are interpreted as system functions and do not raise the event AT USER-COMMAND. The system functions for lists are listed in the following table 1.
  • The function codes in the following table 2, likewise, do not raise the event AT USER-COMMAND, but are handled by the list processor.

Table 1

Function Code Function
%CTX Calls a context menu
%EX Exit
%PC Save to file
%PRI Spool
%SC Search for ...
%SC+ Find next
%SL Save in Office
%ST Save in report tree

Table 2

Function Code Function
P- Scroll to previous page
P-- Scroll to first page
P+ Scroll to next page
P++ Scroll to last page
PFILE name Saves list lines in a text file named "abap.lst" in standard character format in the standard directory on theAS Instancehost computer. If a nameis entered using name, this is converted to lowercase letters and used as the file name.
PL- Scroll to first line of the page
PL-n Scroll back n lines
PL+ Scroll to last line of the page
PL+n Scroll forward n lines
PP- Scroll back one page
PP-n Scroll back n pages
PP+ Scroll forward one page
PP+n Scroll forward n pages
PPn Scroll to beginning of page n
PS-- Scroll to first column
PS++ Scroll to last column
PS- Scroll one column to the left
PS-n Scroll n columns to the left
PS+ Scroll one column to the right
PS+n Scroll n columns to the right
PSn Scroll to column n
PZn Scroll to line n
RW Cancel


This program works with a self-defined GUI status MYLIST. The function associated there with the function code MY_SELECTION raises the event AT USER-COMMAND when the list is displayed and also creates details lists.

REPORT demo_at_user_command. 

  WRITE 'List line'. 

  IF sy-lsind = 20. 
  CASE sy-ucomm. 
      WRITE: / 'You worked on list', sy-listi, 
             / 'You are on list', sy-lsind. 