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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  SAP GUI User Dialogs →  Classic Lists →  Event Blocks for Lists 


Quick Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54




This statement defines an event block, whose event is triggered by the ABAP runtime environment during the creation of a basic list at the following time:

  • If lines were reserved in the addition LINE-COUNT of the introductory program statement for a page footer that was reached by a write operation on this page. List output made in the event block is placed in this area. Output statements that exceed the reserved area are ignored.
  • If no lines were reserved in the addition LINE-COUNT for a page footer and the end of page was reached by a write operation on this page. List outputs made in the event block have no effect.


The event END-OF-PAGE is inended for writing list outputs in the page footer and is triggered only when the page footer or end of page is reached. Statements such as NEW-PAGE do not trigger the event.


This program displays a list of flights and creates a page for each connection with a header line and footer line.

REPORT demo_page_header_footer NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING 
                              LINE-COUNT 0(1). 
TYPES: BEGIN OF sflight_tab_type, 
         carrid TYPE sflight-carrid, 
         connid TYPE sflight-connid, 
         fldate TYPE sflight-fldate, 
       END OF sflight_tab_type. 

PARAMETERS p_carrid TYPE sflight-carrid. 

DATA: sflight_tab TYPE TABLE OF sflight_tab_type, 
      sflight_wa  LIKE LINE OF sflight_tab. 

DATA lines TYPE i. 

  WRITE: / sflight_wa-carrid, sflight_wa-connid. 



  SELECT carrid, connid, fldate 
         FROM sflight 
         WHERE carrid = @p_carrid 
         ORDER BY carrid, connid 

  LOOP AT sflight_tab INTO sflight_wa. 
    AT NEW connid. 
      SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT fldate ) 
             FROM sflight 
            WHERE carrid = @sflight_wa-carrid AND 
                  connid = @sflight_wa-connid 
             INTO @lines. 
      lines += 3. 
      NEW-PAGE LINE-COUNT lines. 
    WRITE / sflight_wa-fldate.