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ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  SAP GUI User Dialogs →  General Dynpros →  ABAP Statements for Dynpros 


Quick Reference

Other versions: 7.31 | 7.40 | 7.54


GET CURSOR { { FIELD  field [
field_properties] } 
           | { LINE line } }.


If this statement is specified during PAI processing, depending on how FIELD or LINE is specified, it passes either the name of the screen element or the number of the row of a table control or of the group of a step loop (on which the screen cursor is positioned after a user action) to the data objects field or line. field expects a character-like variable; line expects a variable of the type i. In field_properties, further properties of the screen element can be defined.

If the cursor is in the command field of the standard toolbar or on a pushbutton in the screen, the statement is ignored and the specified variables remain unchanged. If the cursor in the first variant is not in a screen element of the current dynpro but on a bar in the GUI status, the contents of field and the variables specified in field_properties are initialized. If the cursor in the second variant is not on a screen element that is part of a table control or a step loop, the variable line is initialized.

System Fields

sy-subrc Meaning
0 The cursor is on a screen element of the current dynpro, if FIELD is specified, or on the input field of thestandard toolbar.If LINE is specified, the cursor is on a screen element within a table control or a step loop.
4 If FIELD is specified, the cursor is on a toolbar in the GUI status or, if LINE is specified, the cursor is outside a table control or a step loop.


In the second variant, the same additions VALUE, LENGTH, and OFFSET could be specified after LINE as specified for the use of the statement for lists. However, the variables specified during PAI processing are always initialized.


GET CURSOR - field_properties

Dynpros, Determining the Cursor Position